Sailed back from Holland in very rough weather (when I said I wouldn't mind having that wonderful Dutch soup again what happened was not quite what I had in mind!

) and got to blighty in the early hours of yesterday.
decided to inspect my empire before the rain started today - first thing I noticed that the bait hive had a very strong throng of foragers zipping back and forth! success!

haven't looked inside yet - I'll leave them settle and transfer them next week doubt they're mine as inspection 7 days ago showed no QC's.
Checked hive no1 - loads of stores and queen present third super put on
Hive no2 queen present (so swarm is definitely not mine although same kind of Buckfast type bees) but not laying very well (down to 6 frames) so quick chat and the threat of the freezer given - we'll see next week, half a super of stores so OK for a while yet.
Checked the nuc I made up two weeks ago - queen has been accepted by the bees

going like a boeing so being transferred to full hive next week
Had a swarming call passed on to me, nice lady who
knew she had bumbles
didn't want them killed but just checking whether they needed to be moved for their own good or what - nice long chat and bumbles will be left until they go their own merry way in the autumn.
Then it rained

so Garn cottage bees will have to fend for themselves for a while longer.
Profile now updated!