checked my requeen Nucs splits from last Wednesday...phew queens all there with their yellow spots, no larva yet, to overcast to confirm eggs
Then went on to an association hive i donated eggs to....again success, laying queen and larva and some capped the H*&(L did she mate in temps of 13c
ok so now a spare re queen nuc split to use else where
condensed a poor hive knocked over by sheep last winter into a Nuc box, to see if they improve...surprisingley only a little stores, so fed 1:1
checked the swarm nucs, no eggs yet as i always add a little drawn comb to bring old queen into lay, but it has been cold, cells being polished though on some, dont normally feed swarm but decided to be kind as i had the syrup out
My top demarre that i put above a split board, seemed agressive roaring and Q- then i got drenched, but decided to combine with newspaer to another hive
got realy wet so went home, the other apiaries will have to wait
Ordered some invert syrup, if the weather goes on like this then they will need it in the june gap