Sunny, although not all that warm, this morning. My largest colony is very full of bees but still light on stores and brood. Didn't open it, just topped up the feeder. Other hive full of sealed brood plus two perfect, sealed Q cells and a handful of half-completed ones. Took the chance to split it, as I'm sure they would try and swarm very soon otherwise.
Did a "lazy" AS without finding the queen - just moved the hive and shook bees off some of the old frames and put them into the new hive on the old site. They were absolutely as good as gold: totally calm, settled into their new place/hive very purposefully. Old fliers taking pollen back into the new hive; old colony on the new site is calm and the house bees are doing a bit of cleaning up. Whacked yet another feeder on them both and left before it starts to rain again.
They are bringing in some amazing, multicoloured pollen today: bright green, bright red, orange, white, yellow and dark brown, and one or two are bringing a beautiful magenta pollen which i didn't recognise.