What did you do in the Apiary today?

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At last! That strange bright yellow thing in the sky allowed me outside for a while. Gave the nuc another baggie of 1-1 sugar syrup. They nearly ripped my arm off. Nice to get the mower out as well. Sun still out @ 2-15pm but getting chilly in the wind. Both hives very busy grabbing what they can while they can.
First sunny morning in ages... looked out of the window towards our hives and saw the air thick with flying bees and a mass assembling on the landing board (colony not inspected thoroughly for weeks because of the weather).

By the time we'd suited up and got out there, the swarm had congregated in a small willow tree a few yards from the hive. Managed to shake, scoop and brush most into a box and dumped them all into a nearby WBC who's colony hadn't made it through last winter. I know that putting them in a hive only a few meters from the original isn't ideal but aesthetics dictate the locations sometimes.

Went back an hour or so later, bees coming and going from the entrance so I hope they've taken to their new home and are just moaning about the decore left by the previous occupants.
Above 10C - the first time for three weeks.

First full inspection of all six hives this year. (Been feeding due to rain).

Three queens seen (all bar one are unmarked - sod's law meant the three I saw were unmarked:)

One weak hive: keep feeding.
three average hives : adequate stores: stopped feeding.

Remaining two doing well - one has lots of stores - so stopped feeding - and the other (carnies would you believe) has virtually none. In an 18" TBH so will have to be rehoused soon as all bar three bars full of bees/brood.

No QCs seen anywhere - hardly surprising. Looks like most queens stopped/reduced laying due to the abysmal weather.

All bees nice and docile - it was only about 13C with an 8mph wind but summer compared to yesterday .... Even the nasty hive was good natured.

No stings.. my change of hand soap seems to have done the trick (famous last words?)
On inspecting the bees today , SWMBO said " there's a pile of bees around your breast pocket "
I thought there was a lot of activity around my head/veil but paid little attention as I lift frames close in order to see properly :), when I looked down I realised that the top of the little velveteen Dorothy bag that I keep my dicta-phpne in was peeping out of said pocket and covered in bees . I quickly smoked the area put the bag out of sight properly and carried on.
This is a picture of what happens when disturbed bees spot something black and furry :).


Pity how a little carelessness costs so many bee deaths .:rolleyes:
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Watched the bees being busy in the sunshine :)
Bees flying strongly today, 16° but a strong SE wind. Carried out a quick inspection and glad that I did as stores were very low. Last full inspection was 17 days ago, at which time they had three capped frames of honey - today there were some 'wet' stores but only a very small amount capped (less than one quarter of a frame). They were bringing in bright orange pollen by the bucket load but I guess there is no nectar about due to recent temperature and heavy rain. Put 1 Kg fondant over feeder board above super - really didn't want to have to feed but looks like no choice.

Lots of space now as bees from warm period have emerged and it appears HM has stopped laying. Some small patches of sealed brood and even less open brood. Queen seen and looking well (although her white marking has become very faded since the last time I saw her 17 days ago). Queen cups still there but nothing in them.
looked again more in depth at the hive on the rape, they were going strong and they seem to have brought a lot of nectar in, surely this cant be off the rape?
15-16c during the afternoon and quite breezy here today in south Cheshire.

Shook swarmed the last four double-brood National hives in to Commercial boxes (amazingly on the last day of April which is my mental cut-off date!) - two exceptional, imported Danish Buckfast-type queens and two local black queens. Destroying healthy brood always makes me feel terrible in hindsight, but I think it's certainly the best method of quickly changing hive type when you have a large quantity. It's a manoeuvre I've been planning for quite a while and it's now completed my changeover to Commercials.....woohooooo

Slapped on a load of 1:1 and checked other hives for stores as I'm still not convinced we're out of the woods yet!

Note to self - don't try and carry too much kit whilst wading through 9in deep mud caused by ponies churning up the ground by the field entrance :iamwithstupid:
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After finishing fixing the shed roof decided (as the sun had come out) to do a quick inspection - more to check stores level than anything else - plenty of bees and loads of polished cells waiting for the next occupants, no stores so food put on all hives.
set up bait hive in an out the way area at work today. Also freaked out 2 pupils and another staff member when i saw a bee on a dandilion and slowly coaxed it onto my finger. Kids like your gona get stung, so had a quick teaching session about how they only sting if they feel the hive is threatened or if you kneel or sit or some other way squash them.

they were amazed it walked all over my hand for a few mins then just flew off. just wish i had some sugar syrup to have been able to feed the bee with. will do that next time.
At apiary 2 found more QC's so, being prepared, pressed the first proper poly into service for an AS.

Back to apiary 1, frame of eggs into suspect Q- colony.

A good day's work.
One day of glorious sunshine and we're back to torrential rain again this morning. Very busy yesterday p.m. with lots of foraging and orientation flights until the light went. But they're sulking again today - barely a bee out although it's warmer than of late. Checking feed later if the forecast says this is going to carry on.
Clump of Bees

Found a small clump of bees, perhaps 15+ all clinging to a dried juniper twig just outside of the hive entrance landing board on the ground!!

Checked no Queen within the small ball, picked each the little darlings up and placed them on the landing board... to be met by a guard bee... must remember to put my bee suit on next time!

Not sure what's going on!! New bees lost their way home?

Weather's a bit cold & damp here in the North West...
Couple of days ago I inspected after bad weather. Never seen the bees so angry. I was stung twice on one ankle and once on the other ankle. I blame the weather so I'll make sure I don't inspect straight after bad weather in future...and wear wellies. They were totally unmanagable and was the first time I felt scared and had doubts about keeping bees.(didn't last long)

The stings caused my ankles to swell to a point that I couldn't walk and was complete agony. I'd been stung on my fingers and back before and had no reaction. Two days later and it still hurts but I am walking, if with a limp. Should I expect a reaction like this from time to time or could this be the beginning of an allergy?
Inspected my 3 14x12 hives situated on a wildflower farm but next to acres of OSR on the way home from work.
Last looked 9 days ago, No 1 had 7 frames of brood and no signs of swarming and is still the same, No 2 had 3.5 frames of brood and is still the same but No 3 had 5 frames of brood and now has 7, no signs of swarming.
The 2 biggest have approx half filled a super, nothing capped. They must be getting a little something when the sun comes out.
Pete D
I released a queen that the bees had 'trapped' in her cell with brace comb. Not sure how common this is but I heard her from outside the hive calling to be let out. It was too wet and cold last night for me to do anything so got in asap today. I saw her disappear in between the frames so I'm crossing everything that she is ok. I did have 3 out of 4 grafts accepted but the bees tore down the others.

I'll try putting this in the right place - the OSR might be good for the bees but it does my head in....

First swarm of the year. This one is for a member of this forum. Chris