What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Performed a shook swarm into a 14x12, this hive was bursting out of the standard BB and had 5 queen cells in it, young drones but non flying yet with plenty of drone brood so just on the safe side moved over two frames of eggs to see if they continue to produce queen cells.
Made a brood box out of Ply this afternoon and nailed a few SN4 frames together.

Also scattered a few packets of white clover seed over the field. I just hope the birds miss a few:blush5:
Checked my last hive (out apiary) doing very well on a brood + half, now supered.

That's 6 out of 6 overwintered and all seem to have a good strong buildup ranging from 4-5 frames of sealed brood to the strongest on 8 frames!

Now I just need to put together the rest of the new supers for this year as I may need them all if the weather is kind.
Hi I bought a Nuc As a Newbee I felt I would be better off dealing with a Nuc rather than a full hive. Got my first sting at the auction above my right eye...didn't even have to pay for it. Now look like the elephant man. The bees were well behaved moving from the nuc into the new hive.
Hi I bought a Nuc As a Newbee I felt I would be better off dealing with a Nuc rather than a full hive. Got my first sting at the auction above my right eye...didn't even have to pay for it. Now look like the elephant man. The bees were well behaved moving from the nuc into the new hive.

Ben - would suggest you pick up some antihistamene tablets from your local pharmacy if you dont have any already. They will help reduce the swelling.
United two DBs - both nice and active but one has only 1 frame with 4-5 inch diameter of brood and other has 3.5 frames 5 inch diameter. will hopefully be able to split again after the acacia.
Full inspection on 6 hives, donated one frame of emerging brood to a small colony to help build up.
Made up some super frames with foundation in case.
inspected all but 5 hives, looks like one of them is running two queens but will let them got on with it. had a friend ask me to have a look at a old commercial hive that has sat on his shed roof for 3 years without inspection, wow, two supers full of honey ( could just lift them) and a weak hive sadly, 3 frames of bees and 2 of brood. Can i extract the honey on commercial super frame fit a normal extractor?? lovely bees though, no smoke and they just stayed on the frames :)
got a sting on the side of the neck!

Went to get the fondant so that i could vac pac it, that I had removed from the hives yesterday that were in the bee shed and had a camakaze pilot go for me. Got me right on the nose. Sure as hell made me bloody eyes water. Straight in for piriton.
Went to get the fondant so that i could vac pac it, that I had removed from the hives yesterday that were in the bee shed and had a camakaze pilot go for me. Got me right on the nose. Sure as hell made me bloody eyes water. Straight in for piriton.

Screwed together a ply 14x12 BB just the super's to do now. Both colonies very active, lots of pollen coming in with loads of brood at all stages.:)
Inspected all 3 hives.. Hive 1 full of bees 7 drones seen super on and comb drawn in super hive 2 expanding quick hive 3 finally seen queen. This is a nuc i purchased on thursday.. Gonna get mate 2 mark it 4 me
knocked up a couple of bait hives using suitable poly boxes - just needed a knauf board spacer at one end, some castellations cut into each end and an entrance hole bored in.
Inspected 3 colonies. One very large, currently on brood and a half but very aggressive - exacerbated by a problem with an ill-fitting old brood box. Plan to switch them to double brood at the weekend with two new brood boxes.
Had a quick look, and put on QE and super on all three WBC's

They are really enjoying the sunshine, and were very well behaved. They didn't take the slightest bit of notice of me. :)
Visited colony #2 in the sunshine just after work. lots of healthy brood, sealed and open, startling amounts of honey in the brood box still and lots of bees crawling around the super I put on last week - but as of yet, no honey in there.

bees in good health and good humour. wonderful spring sunshine.

I love being a beekeeper on days like this :)
Shook swarm 3 colonies to get on to new clean frames.

Found 1 other colony with a rubbish queen- scattered capped brood and drone brood+. 3 open queen cells with fat larvae and royal jelly- so I dumped the queen and will let them bring on a new queen. Getting quite a few nice looking drones wandering the hives so in 2 weeks they will be fine for the 1/2 mile high club
Full inspection today... Brood on seven frames and stores on the others... So slapped on a QX and super.

Ben P
Built and painted 4 new hive stands from scratch.

Checked the top box (super) on 5 of my hives just a cery quick look to make sure they are fine.
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Quick inspection- not quite wall-to-wall brood, but not far off, so added 14 x 12 box for them to move into. Also, moved them from garden to out-apiary, 1/4 mile from OSR- they are having an interesting week!

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