went up yo the apiary about 10:00 just to check that the supers i had put on last week where being drawn
yep first hive, llifted the crown, yep 50% drawn and some honey, rearranged the undrawn to the middle, was it worth inspecting the brood, well might as well even though they are last years nuc with late supersedure queen, they dont swarm with a supercedure queen do they ,they are from good non swarming yellow Italian stock
Queen cells everywhere ( bottom, top,side and holes in middle all good size) culled at least twenty leaving one QC, open brood, eggs but no queen so as i could not find HM did a shook into new box
bees into new brood box plus one frame of 2 to 3 day larva, QX on ,two super on ( one new) QX on ,then old brood on top after i checked all the old brood again for queen and QC, well missed several, culled agian leaving one large QC 9 (then found ihad squash the QC on the QE floor)
will go back in two days and split onto a new floor or split board
Drone: not many about, just a few, so how ready the are to mate i suspect not very mature, so i didnt want to requeen with this, just an insurance queen, may add a frame of eggs if all has not gone well
well better check the others, result play cells but nothing else, so now making 14x12 foundation frames like mad while trying to eat my late lunch