What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Full inspection yesterday, bursting to the gunnels so put a super on. The little poppets had built brace comb in the eke housing the apiguard and stuffed it with honey so I scraped that into a bucket, put into a miller feeder above the crownboard for them to clear down. Oh and removed the empty apiguard tray.
I think that might be Hedgerow 'oo me back' Pete and Tonybloke.
I added two supers on all my hives also double brooded them aswell the first supers are ready for extraction already , Is this a sign of a good season ahead of us ?.
got the missus to do her first proper inspection since taking shy last year after bad experience with the "killer bees". all fine which is just as well as i'm away until Easter.

put out two bait hives - one (top bar nuc) on roof of neighbour's outhouse and one (poly lang) slung in branches of solitary pear tree in middle of field.

made up swarm collection kit for OH to keep in car.
I added two supers on all my hives also double brooded them aswell the first supers are ready for extraction already , Is this a sign of a good season ahead of us ?.

Not neccesarily- that might be the season over! All we can do is hope, and keep sacrificing goats.
Had my first nervous look at the Bees I'd got at the Lincoln auction. They have drawn out a further 3 frames of foundation. Got very excited when I saw the new white comb. Didn’t see the queen but lots of capped and uncapped broad. Well that’s week one survived…
Had to restrict the opening when I saw a b,,,,dy wasp walking about on the landing board, My girls are so docile, they took no notice.

I reckon I could have fitted the restrictor without any danger of getting stung, they never even came to see what I was doing, just flying past to get inside.

Can bees be to docile for their own good?
You are not alone silly bee, although my bees have a slightly larger adversary, i just went up for a bee fix and sank to my knees, the bloody woody has been back and had another go, it has found a ***** in the armour, i have now fixed the hole but this is getting silly, i used to like woodpeckers.
Had to restrict the opening when I saw a b,,,,dy wasp walking about on the landing board

One wasp? Ha, Do you think she was 'sussing out' the hive so she could tell all her offspring later in the year?

Had to restrict the opening when I saw a b,,,,dy wasp walking about on the landing board

One wasp? Ha, Do you think she was 'sussing out' the hive so she could tell all her offspring later in the year?


I had the same terrifying thought :(
took my 'student' out to buy his first hive ( and smock/veil/hive tool/smoker)

he also got me a new large smoker as a gift!

thanks Dave.
Cold night following a hot week, poor things ... is it winter....is it summer???
Checked the supers yesterday. One completely undrawn one put on a week ago, even the outside frames are being drawn out, can't be bad, loads of Blackthorn in our area, sycamore just opening, ...Maybe it is summer.
Just put the finishing touchs to a Top Bar I've made, just need some mesh floor to drop in, and some bees of course.
Checked a hive at one of my out apiaries. Perfect example of forgetful / lazy beekeeper!! I moved it there last year with one frame short in the BB, during the journey the gap vibrated to the middle of the brood box. Next time I checked it was full of wild comb.
I decided to leave it and sort it out at a later date!! 4 months later.

So, today I moved the loose piece of comb to the edge of the BB with a view to replacing it with a new frame next time. I guess I'll have to sacrifice some brood to do this but I think it's worth it for a tidy hive.