What a lovely afternoon of bee keeping we've had. With Arran in full on pest mode, we got ready for inspecting. We discussed what we would be doing, as hive 1 recently swarmed, so we expected a virgin/ newly mated queen in there, and have a good look through hive 2 as they still haven't shown any signs of swarming yet. We decided we would have a peep in hive 1, as it has been over 2 weeks now, by my calculations, since she should have emerged and the weather here has been suitable, so we decided to have a look, I mean, what could possibly go wrong?!
Hive 1 - Four supers, mostly filled and some being capped. Got to the brood box and on the 2nd frame, lovely rows of eggs. Very fresh, 1 egg per cell, beautifully laid. Stopped what we were doing and put them back together. We are hoping for a nice queen, just like her mother. We shall see........
Hive 2 - Wow! Four full, capped supers, two full and being capped supers. Got to the brood box, saw BIAS, queen not seen but I saw very fresh eggs, so I was happy. Added another super! So now we have a sky scraper.
I am so relieved that requeening went smoothly for hive 1, let hope she doesn't turn out to be a nightmare! Arran was on wax scraping duty, and bee saving as usual. The weather was beautiful, so we had a potter around the garden, and we saw a gorgeous female, red tailed bumble giving herself a good clean in the sun. So everything is going to plan