As Dusty was away, he entrusted his bees to me for a couple of weeks. I took this opportunity to introduce Rob, my partner, to bee keeping. My intention was to show him my master bee keeping skills, on these usually beautifully behaved bees. Well, that didn't go to plan.
From the moment I lifted the roof, I knew it wasn't going to be a good inspection. I carried on regardless, and they made their feelings very plain. Bouncing off my head and attacking my hands in a way I have never seen them behave before. They were furious! I carried on through Hive 1, saw what I needed to see and quickly put them to bed. I decided to have a cup of tea before attempting hive 2, give them chance to settle down. It didn't work. I managed half way through hive 2 before I had enough and packed them up. I suspect it might have been the weather that upset them, and maybe the time of year, I don't know if urban areas suffer a dearth in forage. It was meant to be 12oC but it felt much colder, and there was a storm brewing, it was spitting on my way there and soon after we left it poured down, but we had to inspect at that time as his son was only available to let me in then.
Yesterday, I went again. This time they were beautifully behaved as usual, but school had a teacher training day so I had to leave early and only managed to get through hive 2. I have everything crossed that they don't swarm in the next few days, due to my master bee keeping skills and failing to spot something that required action.
I am available in case anyone else has other commitments, or is going on holiday. I won't cock it up, at all! I promise