My neighbour, came to me this morning at 11.00am, he's looking after a house in the village, and found a ladder up against the wall, and bees coming out of the wall...I don't think the bees put the ladder there I told him!
He had no idea, what the situation is, because the owner did not mention this....Owner asked him to look after house and dogs, on Tuesday, for this weekend, so he has not seen the neighbour...
I had a look, and difficult to tell, what is going on, definitely honey bees, black bees.
Not sure if they are emerging from the brick work, or going in....BUT there are a lot of bees in the house, inside the window, and on the window sill (inside), and also clumps hanging on the window...(inside) - more bees inside, than outside...
Could not get access to the house, so I left a bait hive, on top of a dustbin wheelie bin, they are not paying much attention, so I dropped some old comb, in my swarm box, and this evening, they appeared to be going in and out...(still bees inside the house!)
Busy day and I'm done in, took off another four supers, removed clearer boards, and dropped on replacement supers.
Waiting now, for queens to emerge in the AS colonies, get mated, and then decide on uniting, later in the year.
Quick visual check on apideas, frames are now slowly being drawn out after swapping. Not sure if queens are mated yet, maybe check tomorrow after 6pm.
Checked on colonies, that had been under the OMF, the colony I swapped the floor for a solid floor, no bees under floor, the colony I swapped for a OMF, some bees under floor, will check regularly under the floors from now on!