well, it has got to the point where i have run out of brood boxes, every hive i have has had QC including a late overwinter nuc on 4brood +3stores frames and 4 undrawn foundation in a 14x12 that had 8 QC
so that one has been split and the QC put into a temp 14x12 brood box made from two supers and an api Eke (325mm deep) and a snelgrove board as floor
the swarm in my last empty brood box that i found last week in the super stack , on inspection , turned out to be a virgin caste and is now on one side of two 14x12 but no eggs yet, so dummy-ed it into a 4 frame in the corner of the brood box and reused the undrawn foundation elsewhere .I could have done without that as i needed that 14x12 brood box today, May knock up a ply Nuc and transfer but worried about a virgin not finding her way back if i move/change the box, also wonder were she has come from as i have not lost any prime swarms (yet) and the ASs are too young to have issued a caste last week
went out later this afternoon with other beekeepers to trace a swarm about two miles away said to be in a ISO container, turned out to be just scouts and eventual we traced the main prime swarm to an apple tree , about 5lb of bees now in two ROSE OSB brood boxes in one of the other beekeepers apiary