What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Lovely flowers aren't they.
I have them all over the garden and will divide some in the Spring.
The bees and butterflies follow the sun on them.
I was surprised my bees don't mind even when shade on them. They will enjoy short on them cause here predicting soon temps +2celsius in the morning. Also each year increasing by splitting ( we have very long fence..).
Poured another gallon of invertbee syrup into the english feeder on my good hive, that's the 4th refill in a week!

Checked my nuc with an introduced mated queen - still alive but not yet released by the bees.

Admired the light (knotweed?) pollen and the mustard yellow ivy pollen being brought back to the hive:





One bee was completely dusted from its head along its back and all over its thorax with light coloured pollen, assumed to be knotweed (can just see in the pics)


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Happy days, ......today I found that despite my worries, the new queen introduced 10 days ago is happily wandering around the comb surrounded by now lovely calm bees. She's a real beauty (thanks HM). No eggs yet, just areas of polished cells, but then that's the case in most of my other hives too, hopefully now the Ivy is in full flow, she will get going. I have high hopes for this one :)
Whatever was going on before, (probably some attempt at robbing which may have been thwarted by a sheet of glass and a tiny entrance) has stopped and all is well in Bee-land.
Now I just have to brace myself for the T's sale tomorrow! Luckily I pre-ordered so hopefully a quick in and out! :)
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Yesterday actualy: Full inspection on both hives and applied syrup and essential oils recipe to brood fames. White queen's hive has no brood. Red queen's hive a little capped and some larvae. Both have adequate amounts of honey and I am considering taking off some more and feeding syrup. The last week has been warm here and the girls have been flying early and till after 5.30.

Oh and I got stung Again!
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Put clearer boards on my hives. I got another 14 supers of honey to come off.
Put supers on 4 hives as they have no space and the Ivy has just come on stream, and the weather looks set fair for a while yet. Will be interesting to see how quickly they fill them.
made more syrup ZZzzzzzzzzzz
how much actual sugar do you use per hive people keep talking syrup/ hive weight just wondered how many 1kg bags are roughly needed??
From Itma

I reckon that a 5kg bag of sugar (£3.99 @ Tesco, a few pence more at Sainsbury) gives me 2 frames of 14x12 stores.
Grand opening of Mesnes park Wigan after a multi million pound make over .
RoyalAirforce Falcons parachute display team dropping in .
Weather fine and bright but I suspect the wind may compromise that little exercise !
In short I won't be doing much in the apiary today !:)

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how much actual sugar do you use per hive people keep talking syrup/ hive weight just wondered how many 1kg bags are roughly needed??

You have to calculate the amount you need, well in an ideal world you do but most dont.

One of your 14x12 frames when full of honey will be close to 7lb’s and half a frame of stores 3.5lb’s and so on.

You calculate from the frames the amount of stores they have towards the end of the season and also start to heft the hive so as to practice what stores they may have at times when you are not able to inspect.

You want them to have something like 40-45lb’s of stores going into winter and a full 14x12 is way over this but if on your last inspections of the season you have estimated 20lb’s of honey stores then you have a good idea that you need to give them.

Obviously it starts to get a bit more complicated when we have to feed the bees just to remain the hive at a constant weight as they may be eating it as fast as it goes in and thats when the hefting comes into its own.
feeding round today