What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Weather here superb .bees are going ballistic ,no wasps hanging around ,seem to have passed their peak in these parts!
Wall to wall balsam, ground now moist for the first time in months but the bees are foraging pastures new ! Probably a combination of ivy and Michaelmas daisy .
Yesterday ,went into Manchester by rail. Now the fire risk from locomotives is none existent and the embankment maintenance is much reduced, the embankments are a profusion of shrubbery and wild flowers, including ,miles of balsam Jap Knotweed and Michaelmas daisies ,as are the disused cuttings all around the network:D

This late afternoon/ early evening saw the bees switch back to the balsam! Probably too hot this afternoon ?
Not actually in my apiary - about 5 miles away ...

... I collected a swarm this afternoon.
24th September.
"The bees always know best". Yeah. Right.

First one I've had from under a car bonnet ...
Not actually in my apiary - about 5 miles away ...

... I collected a swarm this afternoon.
24th September.
"The bees always know best". Yeah. Right.

First one I've had from under a car bonnet ...

Ditto - Yeah. Right.
Not actually in my apiary - about 5 miles away ...

... I collected a swarm this afternoon.
24th September.
"The bees always know best". Yeah. Right.

First one I've had from under a car bonnet ...
Did the driver discover them before or after starting it?
One September queen ( from jenter) is laying well, other seems too shy.. Another one which started to lay well seems I lost due to my "superior brainwork" or to say lack of thinking and lot of rushing..
Did the driver discover them before or after starting it?

She saw it on her parked car on her way back from lunch.
She is the optician's receptionist.
I was the 3pm appointment.

Not a big swarm (a frame or two). Saw the queen, hived her and the others trooped in. Then I closed the bonnet and propped the polynuc on top while the scouts returned. Closed up at 630.

I'll feed them tomorrow, and in a week or two or three I'll see what I've got.
It'll be a unite, for sure, but could that Q replace the one that's gone really evil? Wait and see!
Not actually in my apiary - about 5 miles away ...

... I collected a swarm this afternoon.
24th September.
"The bees always know best". Yeah. Right.

First one I've had from under a car bonnet ...

They do: they knew you'd find them, and you'll get them through, or someone will.
Built pile of supers that had been in a box since the move.
Adapting a brood box into a 14x12 double NUC box,
Must take some pics...
The bees were out in force today - I haven't seen so many all summer! However that hasn't stopped them wolfing down 2:1 syrup with HiveAlive in it - half a gallon in 24 hours on one, the other has taken 6 pints in 48 hours and they are only on 7 frames! I think I may need to check they aren't blocking laying space (they are dummied down to the 7 frames)
Glenviewbee;367603I think I may need to check they aren't blocking laying space [/QUOTE said:
Not looking inside again but did heft mine.
Bloomin heavy so feeder boards are off, replaced with polycarbonate crown boards for the winter.
There is a lot of balsam here and plenty of ivy to come.
Last of thymolated syrup feeders on along with a round of HM varroa treatment. 8 hives 0 mite drop in 10 days which I'm very happy about. The others are around the 6 per week mark and one, well infested! Strange as I monitor every 3 weeks for 2-4 days through the season and no problems. Literally over night this colony was infested ie too many to count! All I can think is a feral colony took over? All but 1 colony are 12x14 broods with 1 super as there are so many bees.
Grass cut. Apples ready. Post office to sell my honey:)
Made up another 5kg sugar into syrup, hopefully this will be the last as there is ivy coming in now and the hives felt heavy last time.
Lovely lovely weather here ,took the opportunity to have a look at what the three colonies I returned a super each of of upcapped honey had handled it.
One had taken all the honey down , one was in the process of capping the other one had taken down about half .
Balsam is peaking, ivy coming on stream with vengeance , I won't be surprised if ( given a few days nice weather) they don't reverse the process and fill and cap ivy / balsam honey?

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Took all the feeders off
Weighed hives

Bees are fighting each other to get in with balsam and various coloured pollens. Wasps not getting a look in