What did you do in the Apiary today?

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yes could be right. I was thinking if I couldn't get to them if the weather was bad for a while. As it happens I don't think there will be a 'window' tomorrow
Set 14 teenie weenie larvae from the Nicot cage into finishing frames... and sacrificed a goat to Gaia in the hope that the weather would turn sunny again....
Hive felt light on hefting, so took a swift look between the downpours and, sure enough, they were low on stores.

A litre of 1 : 1, and an hour later they were tucking in quite merrily.

Glad I went with my judgement, against the quiet murmur of voices saying, " new beek panicking!"

I always keep a large quantity of honey aside "just for bees" should times like this arise in season, in fact I've just dolloped some on three recent swarm hives.

How to you feed honey to the bees, what sort of feeder do you use, we were talking about this the other day and didn't know how to go about it.
Liquid, solid, frames of, cappings, how much, quality of?

So depends rather. First thing to say is to make sure it is not contaminated in any way with shop bought honey. If it is, dont!
Rest assured it's always my own honey.:cool:

The honey I use is always set and I just dollop it on top of the CB with the feeder hole uncovered, they soon deal with it. I suppose if I was fussy I could use a shallow tray or foil.

Called to check on two swarms hived last weekend and mid week. Bees foraging nicely :)
Did a quick check on a couple of recent nucs. Both are doing ok for stores. New queen seen in one and seemed to be in the act of laying but not enough time to look for eggs as the window of opportunity slammed shut rather abruptly!! Bloody rain.
Too wet to do anything outside - this morning collected a load of 12mm plywood advertised on freecycle - spent the day cutting it all up - enough to make five nucs, four crown boards and enough OSB to make the top parts of three or four roofs, and more to come - also had a pointer to loads of clean plywood offcuts which i'll explore on Monday :)
A quick peek through/under crownboards to check on stores - far too windy to do anything else, although a few brave souls were out foraging.
Spotted and marked 3 queens.

Unfortunately the 3 frames I chopped and cropped into my TBH, including a good queen cell, has I believe ended up queenless, so I wired in a test frame, from one of my Nationals.
I laid a paving slab and found out I still have no eye for levelness. Oh and I watched my bees make their first flights from my apiary if one hive constitutes an apiary. By the end of the day I watched them bringing in bright yellow pollen. They where also out late.bee-smillie
Been to check on two newly introduced queens, both present and laying.
Never seen queens that are so relaxed before, dont think I'll have to chase them.
Patience remains a highly rated virtue.
After two weeks confined to light duties due to illness, I was able to look at some hives today.
At long last I have 4 Q+ hives in good lay, two JUST starting to lay (No sealed brood yet so the jury is still out re DLQ but eggs look ok) and two I have not yet looked at. They will have to wait a while yet.
Annoyingly I am away next week so the 3 supers which need sorting out will be set solid by the time I get back. HWMBO just doesn't seem to grasp the fact that holidays at home are preferable!!
Fed the bees, as is becoming quite a normal, year-round thing to do. Then went inside to shelter from the rain. As is becoming quite a normal, year-round thing to do.
Been watching the swarm I caught a few weeks ago flying in horrendous rain they must be mad.