AND that Yellow thing was in the sky this morning

so put on my clean bee suit and did a tour
two new hive on the roof apiary first....q+ but a bit light on stores and then on to next site
virgin still not laying, considered combining if ican find the queen,
marked a new laying queen
reduce an AS to one QCell
reduced to one queen cell the requeen black nuc that rejectedntheir yellow new queen
virgin seen in next but no eggs
Left the aggressive hive with a superceded queen, just checked its supers,
checked aggressive hive's requeening nuc and move 3ft nearer,
on to next site
found and culled a drone laying queen...requeen next saturday in a NUC and ditch the drone brood
swarm one doing well now on 7 frames
swarm two no sign of queen yet
boistrous hive...oops swarmed about two weeks ago on 5 frames of bees (why)
check a few others all ok
helped a friend and rather told him off for adding a super too early but really should not have...they are his bees not mine, but he did the same last year and lost his bees
got home...did i have lunch!! no i forgot
by this time it was cloudy and over yellow thing in the sky....wonder if it will be there tomorrow