What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Bon jour Monsieur, To get them onto the new format I planned to find the queen in the National and move her + the frame she is on and the bees to the centre of the 14 x 12 fill with foundation and place on top of the National over a queen excluder. The "vain space" would therefore be a 14 x 12 brood box with (at first) only 1 frame of bees in it. Rgds Mike

With you thanks - I'd misunderstood the original message
watched the bees bringing in pollen in the sunshine
Yeah lesson learned loads of stores just not enough bees going into winter. Queen was a good one too.
Checked fondant, still a little left. Girls bringing in lots of pollen. Took the plumber who was at next doors cottage with me who is interested in getting started!
Checked fondant, still a little left. Girls bringing in lots of pollen. Took the plumber with me who was at next doors cottage who is interested in getting started!
Why did that go on twice?!!!:eek:

By the way Veg, sorry to hear of the horrible job you had to do, it must be awful.
Having had two Nuc stolen last Friday, on a site recently exposed to view by recent tree felling ,I moved a vulnerable 14x12 hive from that site over a ploughed field then to the road

i then drove to the new site 3miles away, only to find a massive traffic Jam on the A1 that took us two hours for the return journey
Sweet FA, what a super day and stuck in a poxy office.
Tomorrow I'll be out in the garden.

  • Butchering some wood into langstroth length bars for National frames to hang from.
  • Paint a couple of MB poly nucs
  • Make a couple of fondant frames - Plastic frame coated in wax then smear fondant on top.

and anything else I can find that needs doing before the season kicks off.
My other half constructed 1 National hive and I painted 1 Belgian WBC hive - tomorrow will be frame making day...aaahhhh heaven!
Damn and Blast......one of the boxes has a split, full thickness all the way along the back and it's beginning to drift apart. It's now wrapped up with a few layers of gaffer tape. I'll move them to a new box as soon as it's warm enough. Bl***y nuisance!! It was a Thornes flattie made up last year, must have had a small split I didn't see and the weather has opened it up.
What on earth is a fondant frame? And why would you want to use it?

What on earth is a fondant frame? And why would you want to use it?


Its a quick method of putting a reasonable amount of fondant into poly hive with plastic frames without using another chamber as an eke and add more void space as the colony is not out flying to the same degree as my other colonies and they are light on stores.
Do you wrap it in netting? If not, what stops the fondant slumping down?

First time I tried it only a small amount detached, so this time I will use 4 or 5 thick rubber bands vertically around the frame if it falls out the bees will clean it up.

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