Went to check the out apiary. One hive was already doomed as was being obliterated by wasps on my last visit. The second had been defending itself vigorously last week but today had been overrun. Huge cloud of wasps around the hive and piling into the entrance. Total carnage, I lifted the brood box off the floor which was full of dead and dismembered bees

Managed to find the queen in the melee and put her in a queen cage in my pocket for safe keeping.
I’d taken a nuc with me and pulled out two frames of brood with nurse bees clinging on for dear life and shook the wasps off a couple of frames of stores and popped all that in the nuc.
Bloody wasps were everywhere and in the car as I tried to load up.
Hopefully I can get the nuc through winter back at home as she’s a calm & productive 2020 queen who has laid well and produced some lovely daughters. With any luck I can get some more queens from her in spring, fingers crossed.