What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Sun out, blue sky but an icy wind, surprised to see so many bees out collecting water
It's just going to be a stores for honey, wax and equipment, racking arrives today, this evening I'll be moving stuff out of the workshop into it so I'll then have room to get cracking on new floors etc.
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Looks good. I made the mistake of not covering the air vents last year on my new shed and it was taken over by wasps having to dodge the buggers everytime I went in. I have put mesh on 1 side now and will do the other as soon as I can access it.
I have started taking spare equipment to the apiaries and gone through 30 brood frames which needed cleaning and new wax. I think this has be the worst job, I hate it, especially trying to remove the piece of wood which holds the foundation!!
Looks good. I made the mistake of not covering the air vents last year on my new shed and it was taken over by wasps having to dodge the buggers everytime I went in. I have put mesh on 1 side now and will do the other as soon as I can access it.
6 charged cells found. I tore down 5 and marked the frame with the chosen cell.
Queen, 2 frames of capped brood (1 emerging), 1 frame of stores into a poly nuc. 2 further frames of bees shaken in (not from the qcell frame) because the flyers will mostly return home.

Plenty of drones in the parent hive now, and back to nice weather from next week so fingers crossed all goes well. Hopefully that's me up to 2 colonies...

Set up a few swarm traps. One in a spinny about 50m from a colony in a tree. It was the busiest colony I've seen this year!
So this is the hive which I thought was Q- and had sealed QCs a few weeks ago. A week or two ago there were eggs but some cells had more than one so I thought laying workers and was going to shake out once confirmed as drones (when they were capped).

It's a bad brood pattern by my book, evidence of recapping some cells making me suspect varroa is possible and if it's not improved by next week I'm probably going to ask the SBI to take a look in case there's 'something nasty' here but to my mind I think I've got a newly mated queen. Not entirely sure how. However, it is nice to be reminded that nature can surprise us.
My long hive was a mass of bees at the entrance today so I thought I'd have a peek in when the temp got to 15.5 deg C. There was brood on 11 frames and 16 frames of bees. Plenty of drone brood on the edges just about every brood frame and quite a few drones! I even found a few play cups. Hopefully I can keep them from swarming by placing foundation on the edge of the brood as I want to use the bees in nucs again this year.
Inspected local mongrel hive 3 on double brood and have 11 frames with brood on them now. Since the last inspection 11 days ago they've gone from 1 frame of brood in the bottom box to 4 and have consumed about 2 frames of stores leaving just over one frame left. Weather not that great until middle of next week and so gave them a frame of stores that I took out of a much smaller hive a couple of weeks ago. Just peaked through the crown boards of the other 2 hives and only about 4 frames of bees in each. There’s brood emerging on 3 frames judging by the inspection boards but looking poor in comparison to hive 3.
Weather still cold and grey here don't think we'll be inspecting this week!!!
Did first inspection :

found queen
2 solid frames of drone
6 solid frames of worker with small patches of drone
Couple of queen cells which I knocked down and then added another brood box above !
bringing in a lot of nectar and busy comb building new frames !