What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Managed to knock up a sturdy shelf from spare wood and unwanted hanging basket brackets for my bee shed. Filled it with feeders, honey bucket and apideas.
As a DIY duffer it's a major triumph and not even a tiny bit wonky!!!!

Now looking forward to two days off Thursday and Friday when the weather forecast is good. Might even see some bees.
Potted fifty sunflowers ready to plant all round my hives when it warms up. Will need to find some recipes for sunflower seeds now....
Assembled a super, glue and nails. Had to bash it apart again cos I got it wrong. Assembled it again, took it apart again. Broke one of the joints. Bodged it together and hey presto!
Let the birds eat them over the winter.
Im growing them so im eating them! Last thing I want is birds around the hives, those buggers eat my bees! Anyway, the only birds we have around here are magpies and they dont seem to need feeding
If nothing else, save them for the birds during the winter. They will surely thank you.
I can guarantee there is a lot more than just magpies, but the magpies rule the roost.

Anyway, the birds will surely only eat your dead bees, thereby doing you a favour. Woodpeckers excepted, of course...
Anyway, the birds will surely only eat your dead bees,

Probably not even eat dead ones, if the poster was referring to seed eating species.

I'm staring at 200 x DN5 frames that need to be put together over the next week or so.....

Perhaps I will pot another 50 sunflowers and share half the crop with the bees. Cant say fairer than that
Retrieved empty fondant wrapper from hive and politely insisted bees inside it left!
Other newer fondant mostly untouched.
Bees were flying! Nice to see for a change. First warmish day in ages.
Judging by the amount of honey her mum helped produce, she ain't going anywhere ;o) Good calm bees too.
Ordered some fondant at the Bakers...£9.20 per box....
Visited new apiary site and planned out the layout with the Farmer....
A few trees and briars to clear but the Farmers helper is to assist me....
Could nt ask for more.....!!!
So, what did you select Jallen? How many frames, radial or tangential, manual or electric?

I honestly wouldn't know where to put an extractor, although the OH thinks she has the answer.Apparently it's likely to be a personal experience best avoided . . . :)