What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Finally got this down without mishap and over to the apiary
did you manage to pick up all the bees that had fallen off the cluster and put them back without too much hassle? :rolleyes:
We just turned the hive upside down.
Yes ... that would sort them out ...they were probably grateful for not being exposed any longer to the weather that's coming in ! I'm sure some of the Scouts were thinking .. "whose stupid idea was it to settle on this place as our new home ?"
You know...I wanted share this feeling!

Its so exciting to be able to talk about bees with you all! Every time I start tinkering with them, I keep getting all kinds of interesting questions as I try to discover about them. And its exciting that you can make money off a hobby like bees, and that you can enjoy doing what you like!

I really like this feeling! And I'm grateful to God for it, and I'm sure many of you feel the same.
You know...I wanted share this feeling!

Its so exciting to be able to talk about bees with you all! Every time I start tinkering with them, I keep getting all kinds of interesting questions as I try to discover about them. And its exciting that you can make money off a hobby like bees, and that you can enjoy doing what you like!

I really like this feeling! And I'm grateful to God for it, and I'm sure many of you feel the same.
Mmmmmmm can I sniff bee fever?? 🤣😂
You're going to fit in well in this nuthouse!
Oh...... don't get carried away thinking you will make money at this hobby.....few do....the rest of us try to offset SOME of the cost with honey sales.
Mmmmmmm can I sniff bee fever?? 🤣😂
You're going to fit in well in this nuthouse!
Oh...... don't get carried away thinking you will make money at this hobby.....few do....the rest of us try to offset SOME of the cost with honey sales.
And you find ingenious ways to hide kit and lie about it.
And you find ingenious ways to hide kit and lie about it.
I am lucky. Hubby has been big into road cycling for more than 30 years. I just point out ALL of my kit costs less than ONE of his road bikes, and he doesn't have six bottoms to go on them all! The cost is then never questioned again.
I am lucky. Hubby has been big into road cycling for more than 30 years. I just point out ALL of my kit costs less than ONE of his road bikes, and he doesn't have six bottoms to go on them all! The cost is then never questioned again.
How do I get away with it when I’m into road cycling and bees then? The ideal number of N+1 applies to both pastimes.
I have an appointment with my last 4 buckets of 2020 honey, sales seem to have gone through the roof during lockdown, without having to advertise it as giving resistance to covid, as I have seen from one seller!!
Finally fitted a gate into the wire fence surrounding the apiary. Got fed up lifting heavy equipment over the fence especially supers at the end of the season. Is it my impression that beekeeping equipment has got a lot heavier recently or am I just getting older?
Mmmmmmm can I sniff bee fever?? 🤣😂
You're going to fit in well in this nuthouse!
Oh...... don't get carried away thinking you will make money at this hobby.....few do....the rest of us try to offset SOME of the cost with honey sales.

Err you can once you get about 5-6 hives and know enough to get a decent crop.. A net 4 figure profit (Assuming your hours are free!) is possible.
Err you can once you get about 5-6 hives and know enough to get a decent crop.. A net 4 figure profit (Assuming your hours are free!) is possible.

Yes, I bought my 2009 Berlingo Beemobile with honey profits. Before that SWMBO insisted that as a retired couple, one car was sufficient.


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Moved a polynuc to an out apiary a mile away. Placed it adjacent to a colony with a four-year old queen with a view to amalgamation in the spring.
My three apiaries are a mile equidistant. I take no notice of the ' three mile rule' whatever the time of year.
Yes, I bought my 2009 Berlingo Beemobile with honey profits. Before that SWMBO insisted that as a retired couple, one car was sufficient.
Yes my 07 plate Berlingo van was bought with the profits from sales but I don't see it as profit as I've had to "reinvest" the money so not profit for the "honey business" 😊
I spent a really pleasant morning putting up a new fence around my beehives.
It felt so good to be outside breathing in fresh (but cold) air.
Last week when I visited the ground was very wet and muddy.
Today the ground was frozen solid.
All the bees were snuggled up inside their hives, the only other creature I saw was a Robin who was perched on one of the fence posts.
And you find ingenious ways to hide kit and lie about it.
I have gone to the stage of having to hide full colonies and still pretend that I am keeping a lid on it!!

I went to see a new site for a new apiary today, it's a farm/activity centre. The owners wanted to have the bees in display for visitors to see. They proposed to put stock fencing around 8-10ft away so people couldn't get too close. When I explained what to expect when you have 5 hives in full swing which was comparable to Gatwick runway, they proposed site B out of the way behind the muck heap.
On the way back, I stopped to my other apiary to shift a couple of hives 20 metres away... You have to love a cold spell, makes life easier sometimes.
Hiding in the shade here at the moment... 36 deg C and it's only just after 9am....
Need to find another apiary site as I have several occupied swarm traps that need to be moved...
Just not enough day...............