Busy day today, got up early to see it was pis... persistently raining but at least it gave me a chance of a leisurely breakfast and a quick check of my notes - a few nucs needed checking as there may be a chance the queens have mated. As the rain stopped and the sun threatened to make it a glorious day I hastened up to the ranges (there was a plan, SWMBO had sorted it) checked some hives to see that three of the numerous queens that had superseded my 2018 queens (something about those red queens - I think they burnt themselves out after last year's bumper harvest) had mated, one will probably need a super next week, one was hinting at a second!
The June gap has definitely been and gone so I suspect I'll get the usual starvation warning fron the NBU this week or next. The bees were piling it in.
Next were the nucs I had up there waiting for the queens to go and see the boys.
One queen emerged 1st June - 3 frames BIAS
One queen emerged 8th June - a frame and a half of eggs and larvae, none capped yet but looks good with no sign of the workers extending cells. Which brings me to.....
I was on my knees scrubbing the propolis off my gloves and hive tool (bucket is on a pallet which serves many purposes at the apiary, and my back doesn't appreciate that much bending over) my nose not that far from the entrance of another nuc sat on the pallet from a Demarree whose queen would have emerged about a week or so ago............................
When the bees got rather excited, loads of toing and froing at the entrance and all over the front of the nuc, then (and I was not mistaken) out popped a queen, teetered on the edge for a monet, then too off with a small entourage - but then, as if the cork had popped in the story about the pig and the trained monkey, out poured the bees in a steady stream, the apiary was abuzz with them, it felt as if I was in the middle of a swarm (and I have been in a few) they then spiralled up above the trees, did a circuit of the quarry before finally coming back to the nuc.
I would have hung around for a while to see whether I'd see the queen coming back and perhaps seeing the mating mark (poor sods) but unfortunately, SWMBO's grand plan was that she was treating us to a 'takeaway' Sunday dinner (using my credit card) from the Cawdor hotel, and it was way past midday and I had a time slot to make.