And the ability and performance to collect it comes from genetics.
Each to there own but honey is not everything to all people but as we can see from your posts it is to you. In 10 years you've tried to educate the world you haven't changed the forum members views and they haven't wall?
Yes, I have studied genetics in University.
Along decades the ability to forage honey has become better and better.
But surprisingly the ability of foraging is practically the same with different Queen breeders. And when you select , what queens you buy, it is your interest, that you buy good queen's and nothing rubbish. And you are aware that rubbish queens are on markets.
If you do not buy queens from professionals, and you so not compare them, it is better that you so not speak about genetics anything.
And that attitude, that I have not changed forum members view in 10 years. Ridiculous...
I do not even tried to. I do not change adult people. I have hit facts on table. And I have teached British beekeepers more than you can even count. For example about insulation, polyhives, mite control, laying workers.
If people do not want new knowledge, it is up to them. Even if angels tell to them, how to get more honey from their hives, they do not mind because 10 kg per hive is proper level.
If I do not set a goal 150 kg/hive, I cannot achieve it. IT does not drop from sky. I must do lots of work to achieve it. At my hone yard I can get 30 kg honey but I must move them to best pastures what I find here. To move 100 kg heavy hives is not a pleasant job.