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May 29, 2010
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3 National Hives & 1 Observation Hive.(Indoors) & lots of empty boxes..
Aftet three visits to doctor and two to hospital and three days taking my pulse. They say i should be dead as my kidneys no longer work. Bettet now but not 100%
Aftet three visits to doctor and two to hospital and three days taking my pulse. They say i should be dead as my kidneys no longer work. Bettet now but not 100%
Flipping heck dishmop hope you get 100% shortly
get well soon dishmop! I would sue them for negligence as it should certainly not take 3 days to diagnose kidney failure. very clear symptoms I would have thought...
Aftet three visits to doctor and two to hospital and three days taking my pulse. They say i should be dead as my kidneys no longer work. Bettet now but not 100%

Best of luck, Dishmop. What a thing to happen. Hope you get well and soon.
first off the yellow look is in, so is this some form of twisted style thing you have got going on and two doctors are only ever right once and that's to do time of birth, every thing we get to prove em wrong, so get out there and prove the quacks wrong, hopes and wishes pete

ps don't sit and have a chemo whilst rolling fags for the way home!!! I got such a rollicking off one of the nurses,
Tunnel Harry should break thro soon.
Thanks for the best wishes.

What annoys me about the situation is that the NHS keeps telling us about their fab equipment and if people saw their doctors earlier that they could put them in the scanner and diagnose the problem. But no...... I lay there for nearly 3 days with the result of "we think you have kidney failure"

At one point I had a very very strong pain in my head, some little sod playing football in there.....I had to get angry with the nurse who said "what do you expect us to do?" "I thought this was a hospital" "we can give you some paracetmol"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "oh whoopy fu***** doo, next time I have a brain tumor I'll go to f****** Boots" That didnt impress her.
No head exam at all.

I think at one point they thought I was dead because a nurse came in, very lightly touched my wrist and kneck and said "goodbye" "Goodbye"???
A short time later two young nurses came in and went to touch the things on my legs.... cables or tubes.. I asked them what they were doing and to leave me alone. A woman doctor appeared quicker than one can ever imagine. I asked the nurses again what they were doing and the doctor said "they arent qualified to tell you." "well in that case thay arent qualified to be bloody touching me"
They told me I could come home on Thursday but to come back the next day for a test...

5 hours later I'm still waiting for the appointment time.....so I asked the doctor quite politely if he could use his infuence to persuade somebody to remove their thumbs from their arse and sort it out.
They were concerned about infection if i came home too early and then asked what I was laughing about..
I asked if he sat and ate his food and then watched as the bloke in the next bed detached his ***t bag and placed it on the plate he's just eaten his breakfast off.

Outcome is that I have one kidney not doing a great deal, the other about 90%.

Tubes hanging out of my back to drain the kidneys into nice litte bags that l cary around in my pockets.

It seems as if this MIGHT all be caused by an enlarged prostrate which caused a blockage to the bladder.

Therefore all you men of a certain age...When you start going to the loo too often........get to the doctor..

I have lost 1.5 stone in three weeks.
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This happened to my mother very recently only BOTH kidneys have given up. She has to go to dialysis 3 times a week and is still getting about. (She is 73). She has also been put on a waiting list for transplant.
So dont give up hope there are treatments that can help.
Therefore all you men of a certain age...When you start going to the loo too often........get to the doctor..

I have lost 1.5 stone in three weeks.

Stay with us Chris ... it's a bit of a drastic way to lose weight though !

Great advice about old(ish) blokes getting their prostates checked out ... good news lads, it's no longer necessary to suffer the finger where you don't want it anymore - it's just a prick in the thumb and 2 minutes later the little machine tells you whether you have a problem - I can't guarantee what you might get in the way of rectal probing if they find something positive (or negative depending on how you look at it ?) but at least for some of us will only get to stage one.

Come on lads ... you know it makes sense ... book an appointment and get it tested NOW ... better to know.
Went into hospital on the 3d to have stents fitted to kidneys.. That went OK. Well, nearly.

Came home on the Friday 6th.

Friday night I woke up about midnight not feeling quite right..... Heart was beating at bewtween 110 - 120 per minute. Managed to get back to sleep tho.
Saturday morning the pulse was still high but I didnt feel sick. We went out for a few hours but I started to feel tired early afternoon. Came home and had a rest... had some food but was slowly failing.. Went to bed but early evening I started to shake as if I was cold..... Didnt get any better. Called ambulance....They spoke to an out of hours doctor who said I needed to be in hospital but was concerned that I needed to be looked at quickly and told the paramedics that they were to me to another dept and not admit me to A&E. The other dept didnt have any beds and I was taken straight to a ward....

My wife came up a bit later and nobody knew anything about me..
The ward staff were up in ams because I had been taken straight there and not thro A&E... as if it was my fault.. I told a nurse that I had pain in bladder and stomach and across my back...This pain had all started when I was catherterised ealier in the week. I told her I wanted to "open my bowells" but couldnt because it was causing too much pain in my bladder........and everywhere else.
She said....."If you cant go its because you dont need to" **********

Couple of hours later I did manage to and the pain started ease off a bit.
Wife went home later...... I still hadnt been seen by a doctor.

I was woken later by a nurse who must have lost her winning lottery ticket, crashing the trolley into everything in the room, opening and then slamming shut every draw on her trolley like a spoiled teenager who couldnt find their ipod. Three goes at getting a needle in for a drip.. Blood all over the place. needle fell out shortly after she left.. I got the blame for that because I moved.
Went to sleep... next thing I know is waking up with an oxygen tube up my nose. A double drip in my left arm and a new needle in my right.......
"Did I die or something?" The answer was "probably"
Seems my temperature went to over 40 and I was completly out of it for some time..
Seems it was a urinary infection which showed up all sorts of nasty things.
I must have had that when I was discharged but the blood test I had before discharge was some 7 hours before I actually got the letter of permission to leave...
And now from constipation to the other end of the scale........so from being full of it.........to....:winner1st:
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sorry to hear about all the trauma though unfortunately, experiences like yours seem to be the norm these days.

Hope you're on the up now
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