Unidentified substance on varroa floor

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user 3509

House Bee
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
We're taking our first, nervous steps in becoming bee-keepers and would appreciate some advice on a mystery substance we keep finding on our varroa floor. Apart from the odd dead mite, we have also noticed small fragments of a creamy-white powdery / crystalline substance for several days now. My husband thought it might be crystallised sugar syrup (we have been feeding) but he says it doesn't taste sweet on his tongue. Another thought we had was that it might be fragments of wax from comb building, but we took a sample today and put a match to it - it didn't melt so it's not wax.

Any ideas?
Boards have bits of bees, bits of larvae, bits of pollen dropped, bits of wax mirrors, bits of parasites, bits of scavengers, bits of wax cappings, dropped wax mirrors, bits of shaved off fondant...

...no idea...:leaving:
just looked at mine... small rodent like hole chewed in corner of floor and lots of mouse droppings on floor.. No mites though, maybe the mice are carniverous! removed floor for a while.

I see something which sounds similar, and does not taste sweet, on my varroa tray. I believe that in my case it is crystallised ivy honey; my bees went mad for it at the end of last year, once the bramble was finished and I see the same stuff in some of the uncapped cells that they are consuming now (after having gathered water from the pond to re-liquidise it). Does it dissolve in water?

Can't believe all this tasting of board contents...did I mention pupal and larval excrement...thought not :leaving:
I hope your husband like slug trails :)
Very often a slug/slugs will forage on a varroa floor leaving a meandering trail which eventually dries and leaves a crystalised substance which matches the description of the op.
Can't believe all this tasting of board contents...did I mention pupal and larval excrement...thought not :leaving:

What doesn't kill you can only make you stronger. I remember my old training sergeant in the Army saying "everyone will eat a peck of s**t in their life."

Anyway, what's honey if it's not bee vomit? :)
Leptospirosis is carried by rodents, and can be caught from mouse's pee...hope your mouseguards were on :eek:
No chance! I like my red meat too much. As an old South African sheep farmer once said to me: "If I fancy white meat I'll have some pork - and if I need vegetables I'll eat chicken"


Yes it does look like the photograph - wax scales. Thanks for all the input.
Not seeing a photo or having a chance to have a good chew, it could be chalk brood. It could be another product from the hive that cures something keep a close eye on him you could be on to something. Sorry just seen the photo you husband will survive

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