Bees try to keep brood area as solid ball. They consume pollen and honey around brood area and enlarge it.
In heavy nectar frow they store in every place the yield and arrange later the brood area.
In heavy nectarflow bees continue filling old honey and cap them. If cells have crystals, they will remain inside honey. That causes problems at least in sieving.
OK, when you have totally or partly crystallized frames, put those to the hive when day is rainy or bad and bees do not get yield.
1) When you put the frame between larva frames, bees clean a part of it and the queen lays there. Sooner or later they widden the brood area in frame and move the honey. Same happnes if you have old winter stores.
2) If you have a swarm or false swarm, you may put 3 totally crystallized frames into the hive and foundations the rest . In few days bees have cleaned the old frames for brooding and foundations have drawn nicely.
3) When you add foundations to the hive
Put into the box crystallized frames and foundations. Put queen into the box and excluder. First bees clean the old frames and move the old honey.
4) Nowadays when I put extracted combs to the hive, they have much crystalls. I give a water mist on both sides from garden host or from spray bottle. It helps bees because they need not to carry so much diluting water from outside. That works quickly.
5) If you have time, put uncapped crystallized into the hive. Bees lick part of honey away. Next day add water into cells and so bees clean even bad combs quickly.
DON'T!!!! put the crystallized combs outside. Bees destroy combs quickly and part of sugar will drop to the ground.
I have handled this way hundred of kilos full boxes. It is not nice job but I do not panic with rape honey.