Travel screen mesh

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Jul 8, 2010
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Trying to be diligent I blowtorched a travel screen I'd received which led to a small fire :dupe:

Even with my very limited DIY skills I feel I should be able to repair this - any recommendaitons as to what is the right type of mesh or where it can be purchased

Thanks in advance

Trying to be diligent I blowtorched a travel screen I'd received which led to a small fire :dupe:

Even with my very limited DIY skills I feel I should be able to repair this - any recommendaitons as to what is the right type of mesh or where it can be purchased

Thanks in advance

i bought some off ebay, they advertise both the plastic coatede ones as well but at present only galvernised or stainless
If anyone interested in the outcome of this, the eBay link was £12 + £6 postage for 4x 450mm squares and JT quoted £10 + £3 postage for one 450mm square.

As this is to replace the mesh on one £12ish travel screen I'll probably just end up buying a new one.

Thanks to you both anyway

Afterthought - wouldnt galvanised be overkill for a travel screen anyway? Presumably some sort of fly screen mesh would suffice?
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Hi i use the mesh from a old fire guard for my travel screen mesh.

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