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Ha! None here. The Balsam Police are extremely vigilant.
I noticed masses already in bloom on the M6.... they probably can't get there :rolleyes:
Ha! None here. The Balsam Police are extremely vigilant.

As far as I know, The Balsam police do not exist round here.. There are literally miles of canals and small streams/ditches and fields which are covered in HB from now on... Most of the ground is boggy, worthless/abandoned and/or nowhere anyone would want to go.
The Lake District is full of farm animal smell, cockerel-hating offcomers with little else to do but pull balsam and complain about smells and church bells.
Good weather a month from now??? BLISS

I can have happy dreams of the ling heather, the full boxes, the delights of a sore back offset by the unmoveable grin.

Was that a Wessex Saddleback that just flew overhead?
Another bright and sunny day here in Cyprus. Forecast to have a maximum of 23C today. Lots of rain later in week.....PERFECT!
Just a touch above 23 here in wales, eating my breakfast on the patio and picking grapes off the vine, don't expect rain this week just more sunshine, girls are working hard filling their 9th super.............................. :biggrinjester:
Another bright and sunny day here in Cyprus. Forecast to have a maximum of 23C today. Lots of rain later in week.....PERFECT!

My wife arrived just night from Gran Canaria. She was in 5 star hotell. Our boy arranged to her a 60 birthday gift. She said that it was perfect.

I was here in summer cottage. 2 days snow storm. -8C. wind speed 15- 20 m/s.
It was the same weather frontier which made UK to flood. It falled trees and cutted electrict wires. No dead in traffic. Strange.

Now it is -13 C and calm. These are days when snow will be here permanent. In nort Finland they have snow 2 feet.

But up to date the autumn has been very warm. Rains have fallen more or less, and usually more.
Farmers did not have much opportunity to plough their fields. Much crop remain on fields.

Even if it has been warm here about one month. Several days it was +6 and +7C, but bees were tightly in clusters. No activity ouside the hives.

That is good sign. If the hive is sick for nosema or so, they fly every day and birds are catching them from entrance.

I have much Norton's superbees blood in my hives but they act very good in autumn.

Last spring they woke up too early but let's see what happens next spring.

It is 3th generation of superbees now, boath as queens and as drone sperm.
Just a touch above 23 here in wales, eating my breakfast on the patio and picking grapes off the vine, don't expect rain this week just more sunshine, girls are working hard filling their 9th super.............................. :biggrinjester:

Well i was drinking Tomos Watkin's autumn ale last night Redwood - whatever you were drinking is obviously more effective :D
Just a touch above 23 here in wales, eating my breakfast on the patio and picking grapes off the vine, don't expect rain this week just more sunshine, girls are working hard filling their 9th super.............................. :biggrinjester:

assume that was 23 Fahrenheit over night here not 23 Celcius day time and that they are up in the 9th super trying to get above the flood water
The forecasters got it wrong - as usual, it went up to 25C this afternoon - very pleasant!
Have you ever seen this "go apparatus". It is called "kicking sledge". Or Kicksled was a name in some video

When I was schoolboy 55 ago, we used to make schoold trip 2 miles with this.
It works when streets are permanently icy and sand is not trown over snow or ice surface. It works too on lake ice.



Children are playing train with two sledges
