Each day, as well as looking at the weather forecast for the next five days, I also take a look at the general trend for the next few weeks.
Earlier this week, there were hints that the jet stream would head further north towards the end of the month. At first, I was doubtful as it had suggested the same a few weeks ago for early July – and, as we know, that certainly didn’t come to fruition.
However, for a few days in a row now a number of different weather computer models have been suggesting a trend for the average position of jet stream to drift northwards during the next two weeks.
It’ll be a gradual process, so don’t expect to open the curtains tomorrow and be greeted with blue skies and a heat wave.
What you will notice though during the next two weeks is that unsettled weather will tend to become increasingly confined to north western parts of the UK – Scotland, Northern Ireland and north west England.
Elsewhere, whilst there’ll still be some showers or the odd rainy day, it’ll be drier than of late with more in the way of sunshine.
Temperatures are likely to be higher with a trend towards the range of 19-25C – especially across England and Wales.