The war, the bees, russia and the UK

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House Bee
Jan 17, 2017
Reaction score
UA, Vinnytsia region
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Hello, friends. Have a time to write something as I’ve received a message from enrico and Apiarisnt. You know, the forum was unavailable here. There is my view at the situation here: the war, the bees, russia, the UK.

The War.

As you know, many people even the international experts did not believe it could happen. I haven’t believed either because it’s too absurd and stupid. It’s madness to resolve the policy in such bloody methods in the time when the world is facing the global challenges which need more cooperation rather then confrontation.

Russians used to say they were friends, but at the same time they used to humiliate Ukraine, to cause economic conflicts and to make preparations to the war. Ukraine used to follow the rule: don’t make them angry. The result of that weakness is here.

When it has started we were shocked during the first days, it seemed unreal. They began to fire missiles to airports and air force bases at night. Than tried to deliver their elite special forces by helicopters to the capital. At the same time the convoys of tanks and armored vehicles crossed our borders in the directions that you might know from the news. That huge power was broken during the first weeks. They were not ready to the resistance. Now they are not moving in such a scale in the most directions. Russian soldiers show us their shameful demeanor. They are robbing civilians, shops, houses and apartments. They don’t have enough food. Their fighting style is to destroy as much as possible, to terrorize civilians and to make fake video for propaganda.

In general this war is very brutal. My region is not the area of the battle but it is constantly under the missile attacks as almost the whole territory of the country. Though many missiles don’t reach the targets, shooting down by the defense system, but they have managed to destroy our regional TV tower, the airport and some military and civil facilities. When Russians launch the missiles from Belarus or the Black Sea the warning system is working here. Now there are not so many attacks compare to the first weeks.

My sister with her kids has arrived at our mother’s house from Kyiv. The life here is relatively good. There were some problems with internet. The nearest blasts have been some 30 km from my town which is still untouched by the war. There are also many refugees.

The cities and villages near the dangerous areas have a huge damage and many casualties. Some cities are destroyed completely by the artillery and bombs. Usually russians lie when say they are targeting only military facilities. Captured pilots recognized they had bombed civil districts.

The Bees.

At the end of February I forced myself to stop reading the news. It was necessary to check the colonies and feed them. It was in time because the food was depleting quickly. I put the frames with honey in the hives over the clusters. I was not sure that I would be here or would not lose my apiary in the coming days. Fortunately the russian forces haven’t reached out region. Other beekeepers from the regions where the war is raging say that colonies die because of the stress and vibration of blasts.

Usually March is unstable here. Warm spring and cold wintry days are mixed. I managed to check the colonies and add them food. They overwintered successfully. Only two colonies didn’t make it because they were too small and another one died of starvation. Now the bees have started the season, bringing in water, pollen. Many beekeepers feel uncertainty and depression especially who have fled the war or can’t visit their apiaries in the occupied territories.

Today checked a colony which I had saved from the death a couple of weeks ago. They didn’t have even a drop of honey, bees were almost motionless, and the weather was cold. I carried the box with them into the house, gave a frame of honey. In the morning the box was buzzing, the most of the bees resurrected though I didn’t believe the queen had survived. Today I saw the queen was working.


Obviously, the country is ruled by the fascist regime. It has a powerful propaganda and a brainwashing machine which have been working for many years. We’ve been observing its development for years. It includes propagandists, controlled media, state ideologists, politicians. This fascist ideology is called “Russian World”. There is no place for Ukrainian nation in this “world”. They will not stop even committing ethnic crimes if the rest of the world will keep eyes closed. We have communicated with many russians - unfortunately the most of the population live in another reality similar to North Korea. The tiny minority is against the war but they are at risk to be jailed as the enemies of the nation if they say something against the regime.


This country always supports Ukraine much stronger than some other big European nations which are more depended on russian money and resources. Now the United Kingdom supplies different kind of aid including military equipment and weapon. But I realize the unpleasant thing that the time of the strong European leaders has gone. The modern western leaders are weak and coward. Europe has lost its spirit, so the russian fascist dictator is using this weakness as he wants.

I hesitated to write this but… we also must understand that our Ukrainian politicians often do some bad, harmful things at the time when the army does almost impossible actions against the invaders. Now the group of the strange persons from the president’s surrounding has prepared the strange project of a peace agreement which include the whole russian agenda. Britain’s reaction was the first one and it was rather dubious. It means that the agreement is a ****. If they follow the russian agenda our country will be lost. There will be no future. As for me this is the reason for migration. Now I don’t look at this option yet. In addition men can’t leave the country at the moment.

I’ve receiver the message from your forum that British beekeeping associations are ready to help refugees from Ukraine. This is the good sign of friendship, hospitality and kindness of British people. My cousin with her kid is in London now. Her husband has a citizenship and lives there for many years. This city is very expensive, she wants to go back. My town is full of refugees; many of them are hoping to return their home soon. As far as one’s house is not destroyed nobody wants to flee far from home.

Thank you for your attention. Without western support we would have fallen quickly.

Hope to visit your friendly country as a tourist not a refugee.
Hello, friends. Have a time to write something as I’ve received a message from enrico and Apiarisnt. You know, the forum was unavailable here. There is my view at the situation here: the war, the bees, russia, the UK.

The War.

As you know, many people even the international experts did not believe it could happen. I haven’t believed either because it’s too absurd and stupid. It’s madness to resolve the policy in such bloody methods in the time when the world is facing the global challenges which need more cooperation rather then confrontation.

Russians used to say they were friends, but at the same time they used to humiliate Ukraine, to cause economic conflicts and to make preparations to the war. Ukraine used to follow the rule: don’t make them angry. The result of that weakness is here.

When it has started we were shocked during the first days, it seemed unreal. They began to fire missiles to airports and air force bases at night. Than tried to deliver their elite special forces by helicopters to the capital. At the same time the convoys of tanks and armored vehicles crossed our borders in the directions that you might know from the news. That huge power was broken during the first weeks. They were not ready to the resistance. Now they are not moving in such a scale in the most directions. Russian soldiers show us their shameful demeanor. They are robbing civilians, shops, houses and apartments. They don’t have enough food. Their fighting style is to destroy as much as possible, to terrorize civilians and to make fake video for propaganda.

In general this war is very brutal. My region is not the area of the battle but it is constantly under the missile attacks as almost the whole territory of the country. Though many missiles don’t reach the targets, shooting down by the defense system, but they have managed to destroy our regional TV tower, the airport and some military and civil facilities. When Russians launch the missiles from Belarus or the Black Sea the warning system is working here. Now there are not so many attacks compare to the first weeks.

My sister with her kids has arrived at our mother’s house from Kyiv. The life here is relatively good. There were some problems with internet. The nearest blasts have been some 30 km from my town which is still untouched by the war. There are also many refugees.

The cities and villages near the dangerous areas have a huge damage and many casualties. Some cities are destroyed completely by the artillery and bombs. Usually russians lie when say they are targeting only military facilities. Captured pilots recognized they had bombed civil districts.

The Bees.

At the end of February I forced myself to stop reading the news. It was necessary to check the colonies and feed them. It was in time because the food was depleting quickly. I put the frames with honey in the hives over the clusters. I was not sure that I would be here or would not lose my apiary in the coming days. Fortunately the russian forces haven’t reached out region. Other beekeepers from the regions where the war is raging say that colonies die because of the stress and vibration of blasts.

Usually March is unstable here. Warm spring and cold wintry days are mixed. I managed to check the colonies and add them food. They overwintered successfully. Only two colonies didn’t make it because they were too small and another one died of starvation. Now the bees have started the season, bringing in water, pollen. Many beekeepers feel uncertainty and depression especially who have fled the war or can’t visit their apiaries in the occupied territories.

Today checked a colony which I had saved from the death a couple of weeks ago. They didn’t have even a drop of honey, bees were almost motionless, and the weather was cold. I carried the box with them into the house, gave a frame of honey. In the morning the box was buzzing, the most of the bees resurrected though I didn’t believe the queen had survived. Today I saw the queen was working.


Obviously, the country is ruled by the fascist regime. It has a powerful propaganda and a brainwashing machine which have been working for many years. We’ve been observing its development for years. It includes propagandists, controlled media, state ideologists, politicians. This fascist ideology is called “Russian World”. There is no place for Ukrainian nation in this “world”. They will not stop even committing ethnic crimes if the rest of the world will keep eyes closed. We have communicated with many russians - unfortunately the most of the population live in another reality similar to North Korea. The tiny minority is against the war but they are at risk to be jailed as the enemies of the nation if they say something against the regime.


This country always supports Ukraine much stronger than some other big European nations which are more depended on russian money and resources. Now the United Kingdom supplies different kind of aid including military equipment and weapon. But I realize the unpleasant thing that the time of the strong European leaders has gone. The modern western leaders are weak and coward. Europe has lost its spirit, so the russian fascist dictator is using this weakness as he wants.

I hesitated to write this but… we also must understand that our Ukrainian politicians often do some bad, harmful things at the time when the army does almost impossible actions against the invaders. Now the group of the strange persons from the president’s surrounding has prepared the strange project of a peace agreement which include the whole russian agenda. Britain’s reaction was the first one and it was rather dubious. It means that the agreement is a ****. If they follow the russian agenda our country will be lost. There will be no future. As for me this is the reason for migration. Now I don’t look at this option yet. In addition men can’t leave the country at the moment.

I’ve receiver the message from your forum that British beekeeping associations are ready to help refugees from Ukraine. This is the good sign of friendship, hospitality and kindness of British people. My cousin with her kid is in London now. Her husband has a citizenship and lives there for many years. This city is very expensive, she wants to go back. My town is full of refugees; many of them are hoping to return their home soon. As far as one’s house is not destroyed nobody wants to flee far from home.

Thank you for your attention. Without western support we would have fallen quickly.

Hope to visit your friendly country as a tourist not a refugee.
You are welcome here in either form.

Thank you for the update, it is good to have first hand information. I hope you, your bees and your country all have a successful year. Please keep us updated when you can.
Hello, friends. Have a time to write something as I’ve received a message from enrico and Apiarisnt. You know, the forum was unavailable here. There is my view at the situation here: the war, the bees, russia, the UK.

Hope to visit your friendly country as a tourist not a refugee.
Hi Podilia, it's so good to see you are safe and safe as you can be.
My father was born in a part of Poland that ended up a part of Ukraine after WW2 and flew Spitfires here in the UK.
He would be beside himself in grief at it all.
My uncle after spending the war in the Atlantic convoys decided to go back to Poland where he was arrested by the Ruskis and spent time in a forced labour camp. I can understand the deep seated hatred you have for the Russian government....hey ho....nothing changes eh?
Stay safe and let us know how you are if you can.
We all wish you well .. indeed, the whole of the UK is behind Ukraine and we feel desperately helpless that we can do so little to assist your struggle against the madman Putin. Your country has resisted the onslaught, more than anyone could believe possible and you will succeed. You have to succeed and you are not alone ...
Hello, friends. Have a time to write something as I’ve received a message from enrico and Apiarisnt. You know, the forum was unavailable here. There is my view at the situation here: the war, the bees, russia, the UK.

The War.

The Bees.



Thank you for your attention. Without western support we would have fallen quickly.

Hope to visit your friendly country as a tourist not a refugee.

Good to hear that you, your family and your bees are surviving. Can you get hold of enough sugar to feed yout bees until the nectar flow starts?

The UK may have been generous in its supply of materiel (such as the NLAWS ) but the UK government has been less than generous in allowing Ukrainian refugees to some here. Our 'Home Office' has many years of practice in putting up barriers, such as a visa application form that takes someone fluent in English an hour to complete. The UK government may have misjudged the public support:


Nevertheless, many of us watch the news avidly and cheer any Ukrainian successes.

See you here as a tourist one day, and we look forward to being able to come as tourists to Ukraine one day.

Слава Україні!
Thank you for your thoughts. I was looking at the Apimondia website from when Ukraine hosted. So much joy and friendship was offered. I hope you and your family stay safe.
If you want to PM me on facebook messenger I will happily send you the links
I don’t think so. You are entitled to your opinion but I don’t think Podilia’s thread is the place for it so the posts are being deleted.
out and out censorship Dani.

very said to see you are not happy for the other side of a story wrt refugees to be told

Please move my post to an 'acceptable' part then

my comments were valid and true

or perhaps this is Communism at play ...?
I’m happy to put it in your blog or you can simply repost if you like and certainly I censored it That’s my job. It doesn’t belong in this thread
We were not part of the Schengen Treaty, so did not have open borders. We were able to have our own border controls, which were so effective that KGB were able to come here and carry out murders, not once but twice, on UK sovereign territory
We were not part of the Schengen Treaty, so did not have open borders. We were able to have our own border controls, which were so effective that KGB were able to come here and carry out murders, not once but twice, on UK sovereign territory
and do you think we learned a lesson then..?

apparently we can't discuss it here though as the thought Police don't like it
The other thing to bear in mind is that we have to be careful who, in this country, we house vulnerable refugees with. The links are made through Facebook for example, you make the link for the refugee to be accepted into your home as I understand it. That is fraught with the fear of misuse! The people in this country need to be vetted too!
I don't have a facebook account and I'm not sure what is that discussion about. I'm sure, better to send more weapon than to adopt refugees. In my opinion some people are waiting for very easy life in the western Europe. Especially those who didn't make that life in their home. So, be careful and attentive to whom you are going to host.

Yes, British weapon is very effective in turning russian tanks into the metal scrap. You can find photos how russian crews tried to protect their tanks fixing the metal grill over them. It was called "grilled chicken equipment" Our forces also received such weapons from other European countries. Our industry also have some kind of it.
My father was born in a part of Poland that ended up a part of Ukraine after WW2 and flew Spitfires here in the UK.
He would be beside himself in grief at it all.
My uncle after spending the war in the Atlantic convoys decided to go back to Poland where he was arrested by the Ruskis and spent time in a forced labour camp. I can understand the deep seated hatred you have for the Russian government....hey ho....nothing changes eh?
Poland and Ukraine have many tragic pages of history, but Poland is our friend now. It's important to live for better future and to close those pages. Unfortunately, russia lives in the past, in the alternative history.
You're right, nothing has changed there. They change only the cover, the core is the same: dictatorship and "greatness" of a certain nation.
Can you get hold of enough sugar to feed yout bees until the nectar flow starts?
No, I don't have sugar. Usually I don't feed them in spring. I have many frames with up to 1 kg of honey. Bees clear up those frames. The main spring nectar flow is from fruit trees in May. Until that time colonies usually have enough food. The problem may be in June when they are are big but nectar flow is miserable.
However sugar is very expensive and I suppose there is no limits for growing. The price between sugar and honey may be not so different than in Britain so I used to avoid to feed if possible. I didn't feed in autumn as well, when counted the work and time and conditions (hot weather and robbing).
We were able to have our own border controls, which were so effective that KGB were able to come here and carry out murders, not once but twice, on UK sovereign territory

Start to remember, what Great Britain has done around the world. Not much in South America, but everywhere else.

Our politician Halla-aho said in TV in the year 2014, that Russia has four independent neighbour countries, and it has attacked on two of them.

He said too in that TV, that Ukrainians are same friendly fools, like Finland who believes that Russia is a nice neighbour if we are nice to them.
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