North Korea joins invasion of Europe's' biggest honey producer

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No we didn't, we share a common ancestor with them both.
If that is what it seems based on DNA analysis, but only the bonobo evolved with that bias, the rest of the chimpanzees or hominids are still in the competitive phase. And in the case of hominids, only one species survives and unfortunately it seems that humanity is heading for one race to survive.
One of my friends told me that a lot of that supposedly Ukraine honey is in fact chinese honey ( mainly from Gdansk port - where it gets label " Ukraine honey")..
But anyway our beekeeping is effectively destroyed with imports of false honey.. In shops at my place you can buy that false honey under label of " honey" in jar of 720 ml/950g - for 4.5 euros.. I cannot compete with that..
About war.. as I see 3rd world war started. Well, maybe our planet will get relief after we wipe each other with nukes. I don't plan to fight any war for anyone - for ideals are dying fools, as proven many times at my place..
I hope not Goran, I was in your country in August1968 when the former USSR decided to invade Czeckoslovakia - in those days it was Yugoslavia and TIto was President - he was no fan of the USSR and they considered him as too benovent. We were in the South near Split when we heard the news and the rumour was that the USSR were going to continue into Yugoslavia and depose Tito. We headed back to Austria and in the event the invasion ended with Czechoslovakia.

They were frightening times and we thought we might be on the verge of another war. The Russians have a lot to answer for ,,.
One of my friends told me that a lot of that supposedly Ukraine honey is in fact chinese honey ( mainly from Gdansk port - where it gets label " Ukraine honey")..
But anyway our beekeeping is effectively destroyed with imports of false honey.. In shops at my place you can buy that false honey under label of " honey" in jar of 720 ml/950g - for 4.5 euros.. I cannot compete with that..
About war.. as I see 3rd world war started. Well, maybe our planet will get relief after we wipe each other with nukes. I don't plan to fight any war for anyone - for ideals are dying fools, as proven many times at my place..
Competing on price in that circumstance is pointless. Marketing in such conditions is key, even for small producers. There is always a market for pure products that have guaranteed contents and origin, Croatia has had enough pain
I hope not Goran, I was in your country in August1968 when the former USSR decided to invade Czeckoslovakia - in those days it was Yugoslavia and TIto was President - he was no fan of the USSR and they considered him as too benovent. We were in the South near Split when we heard the news and the rumour was that the USSR were going to continue into Yugoslavia and depose Tito. We headed back to Austria and in the event the invasion ended with Czechoslovakia.

They were frightening times and we thought we might be on the verge of another war. The Russians have a lot to answer for ,,.
I was in Tbilisi in Georgia at a circus convention about a week before the civil war broke out.
My host proudly showed me his collection of about ten bottles of 'Scotch whiskey'.
Did not have the heart to tell him it probably all came out of some army base in Bulgaria.

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