The end of the world is nigh ...

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Oct 16, 2012
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Fareham, Hampshire UK
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This is a programme that was originally shown in 2011 .. Just been watching it as it has been repeated on a late night BBC Four.

We've just had the wettest December for at least 100 years ...

For those who may still be wondering why it's well worth a watch .. with a stiff drink in your hand.
Beware the Oids of Mars... as my cartoon hero Duckular said... or was it Terrific Terrance..
Smoke me a kipper I will be back for breakfast!

Yeghes da
That has been on loads of times, the bird flu could still be a problem.

SWMBO gets excited every time there's a panic about budgie cough - she was on the team that set up the contingency plan if there is an outbreak and the system has yet to be tested!
That has been on loads of times, the bird flu could still be a problem.

And they completely miss out the millions of tonnes of methane that are belching out from the earth.

The picture of the asteroid reminded me of this.....

Ahh ... yes .. the late great Oliver Postgate ..Whioooo eee oooo ... He also did Bagpuss, Ivor the Engine and some other memorable (if wacky) chilldrens animations ...

The Horizon programme, apparently, was only shown once in mainstream peak viewing hours (If you can call BBC2 mainstream) after that it was relegated to odd times of the day and night and I must admit I managed to miss it until last night when I got home from work and was winding down channel hopping in the early hours - I knew it was an old programme as I said in my OP. I suspect that people felt a little uncomfortable watching it and the ratings didn't give it immense repeatability ...

But ...the really scary one in there is the super volcano in Yellowstone. A heavy meteor/asteroid strike is probably going to eliminate us all at one go so we won't know much about it but an erupting super volcano is going to be a long lingering death for humanity - except for those in the immediate vicinity in North America. The rest of us will face the equivalent of a 'nuclear winter' but on a far larger scale - all hopefully not in my lifetime but it's a ticking bomb ....
SWMBO gets excited every time there's a panic about budgie cough - she was on the team that set up the contingency plan if there is an outbreak and the system has yet to be tested!

So If I die from budgie flu, I can sue Mrs J :paparazzi:
Ahh ... yes .. the late great Oliver Postgate ..Whioooo eee oooo ... He also did Bagpuss, Ivor the Engine and some other memorable (if wacky) chilldrens animations ...

how can you ommit Noggin the Nog!
its even been performed live at the edinburgh festival as recently as 2014!
I didn't see any volcano there in that film.

There's TWO .. start around Minute 33 ... the Canaries one which could cause a Tsunami that will devastate virtually all the coastal areas of the Atlantic and the Yellowstone Park Caldera that, if that blows, will take out most of North America - estimates that everything within a 1000 mile radius will be dead immediately and the amount of stuff deposited in the upper atmosphere will totally block out the sun for the whole world .. we die slowly from cold and lack of food as just about every living thing needs light and heat ... so anyone left will probably have to evolve to live on mushrooms ??
so anyone left will probably have to evolve to live on mushrooms ??

Some people are already on some kind of mushrooms by the sound of things, those little things in Yellerstone are geysers.
One asteroid - just a relatively small one - or a large meteorite striking in the yellowstone area could be a sufficient fuse/trigger for the super volcano lift off.

Seems there might have been a close shave only about 15k years ago when large swaths of the N American continent were 'grazed' by some asteroid event which, luckily for us (and most other land animals), only scorched the area ie was not a direct hit.
Some people are already on some kind of mushrooms by the sound of things, those little things in Yellerstone are geysers.

Yeah but those little things are just a side effect of the magma chamber that it building under the 40 mile diameter caldera that is most of the park. Errupts every 600K years or so, last one approx 600K years ago. There has been a lot of uplift in recent decades.

Still the Norks will get us first, if they ever manage to get the H in their bombs to work.
There's TWO .. start around Minute 33 ... the Canaries one which could cause a Tsunami that will devastate virtually all the coastal areas of the Atlantic and the Yellowstone Park Caldera that, if that blows, will take out most of North America - estimates that everything within a 1000 mile radius will be dead immediately and the amount of stuff deposited in the upper atmosphere will totally block out the sun for the whole world .. we die slowly from cold and lack of food as just about every living thing needs light and heat ... so anyone left will probably have to evolve to live on mushrooms ??

Frightening when you think of the amount of gear in the plug to blow out, if it all erupts at once. Lets hope it can relieve pressure with a small new volcano.
We could well be long gone before anything happens, probably of much greater concern is the couple of grams of CO2 put out going to the bees.
Frightening when you think of the amount of gear in the plug to blow out,

Even more frightening to think that a lot of the great unwashed will get their knickers in a total twist over this and are, as we speak down tescos stocking up on baked beans (not much of a run on corned beef apparently as they've all turned vegetarian in the deluded belief that in doing so they, alone, will alter the course of any meteor by their increased output of noxious gases :D )
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I am old and recall in the 1970s we were warned we were about to enter a new Ice Age..

I recall when butter was good for you, bad for you and now good for you.
I recall when drinking was good, then men could drink more than women and now the same and much lower limits than before - partially advocated by some nutter who is not a doctor but a "campaigner" for lower drinking.:hairpull: . ##
I recall when we were about to have a nuclear war with Russia over Cuba.

Forgive me if I don't get excited then over another "End of the World is nigh" warning..

## Mine's a quintuple gin and tonic..:icon_204-2:
they, alone, will alter the course of any meteor by their increased output of noxious gases-

*arting all at once in the same direction might even alter the course of the Earth's orbit sufficiently to allow a fly-by instead of an impact?
Yeah but those little things are just a side effect of the magma chamber that it building under the 40 mile diameter caldera that is most of the park. Errupts every 600K years or so, last one approx 600K years ago. There has been a lot of uplift in recent decades.

The surface of the planet has always been moving, Bob, and volcanoes erupting, the planet has a liquid core and more.
Lots of super volcanoes have erupted, but it has not led to a mass extinction every time one does so.

Southern England is slowly sinking while Scotland is rising up, according to a new map created by Durham scientists that shows how land and sea levels around the British coastline are rising or subsiding.

Oh dear, could be a volcano there, stock up on frog suits.

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