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Jun 8, 2010
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Dartmoor edge, uk
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5...2 wooden National, 2 poly Nat & 1 poly nuc...bursting at the seams
Dear All,

Thank you fo rthe support over the last year for Winstons health issues.

For those of you who don't know...Winston is our wonderful 9 1/2 yr old Bullmastiff. He is the sunshine of our existence...but his time is coming. Thank-you for the friendship you have offered to him...please think of him in the coming weeks as we care for him through his last days...accelerated by multiple tumours. We smile when we think about him. Again, thank-you for your kindness - Sarah, Cliff and Winston xxxxxxx
Feels horrid I know.
Lost our golden retriever Josh (13yo) back in 2010 and I still miss him every day.
So sorry to hear your news, Sarah.

Hope the next few weeks are gentle and dignified, and you are able to see it through with all the help and support you need.


I totally agree with those sentiments.

I had an Irish terrier who died just over 12 years ago.

12 years on and I still miss him a lot. I can still feel the numbness as the realisation developed that our wee friend would only be with us for a very short time.

I took him for a short walk before work one morning and later,as I drove into work, I came to the conclusion that he really wasn't having a good time of it and that I would have to bring him for a last visit to the Vet's that evening. That weighed heavily on me. In the event I didn't need to. He passed away that same morning.
My mother let him out for a short walk and within a few minutes he was back at the door looking into the house; he had to be helped back up over the doorstep and once into the house, went and lay under the kitchen table whilst my mother did some ironing in the utility room. A short time later my mother heard a sigh and when to check him. He had passed away, just lying under my mother's seat at the kitchen table. My mother didn't go to work that day and my father had to come home too. I didn't get the news until i got home as I had a job interview that day and my folks didn't want to disturb my train of thought. We buried him in the garden in a spot he used to lie when we were working in the garden. In more than one sense he is still with us.

Look after your friend and you will always know that you have done right by him.
What makes us so bereft when our real friends are staring into the abyss , is the fact that they have no guile , are true and faithful . A pat on the head is the greatest reward they desire .
I add to the hope that his passing will be both peaceful and painless.
It's amazing how quickly you become attached and 'Bond' with these creatures.
Having the lives of 30 couple of hounds in my hands (albeit through the huntsman) and being raised in agriculture my wife always thinks of me as a cold hearted ba***rd when any creature reaches its time. But every time I lose one of my own dogs it hits me hard SWMBO's little sausage dog which to her irritation got really attached to me (a rescue we had for three years) died suddenly just over a year ago - still can't talk of her without a lump in my throat.
At least you'll have a little time to make your proper goodbyes and ease him as comfortably as possible on his way.
My thoughts are with you
Very sorry to hear, its never easy to lose a loved one.
Oscar, hes the one on the left, passed away peacefully in his sleep on the 17th april this year. He was a monster right to the end, he passed away with his long legs stretched out, needed a big hole.
I'm not a great fan of dogs, being a cat woman but I've just welled up and wept over the spuds I was peeling. Losing a loved pet is hard.
Take care
My thoughts are with you at this difficult time. Our pooch is approaching 16yrs and I know, but cannot accept, that I will be in a similar situation sooner rather than later.
Finally over, Winston finally rested at 10am this morning, with the help of our fantastic vet. We shall miss our boy, but it was the best gift we could give him x
It was a job I hated doing but I always felt honoured to do it.
I know that sounds strange but it's difficult to explain.
So sorry,Queens, especially at this time of year. Take care,RIP Winston and don't forget to tell your bees.
I'm just off to give my dog a good extra cuddle. :(

I'm so sorry to hear of your sad loss.
I have a Sammy bitch 13 years old, recently diagnosed with diabetes. She requires injecting with insulin twice daily. She is a treasure and accepts the indignity, making the job simple god bless her! I feel for you as her diagnosis is a reminder of her mortality and know just what you must be feeling right now.
VM (John)
So sorry to hear - we lost 2 much-loved dogs last year in similar circumstances (one after another within a few months), and were utterly devastated by their loss - the only thing that dragged me out of that emptiness they left behind was when I realised that there are loads of unwanted dogs, sitting lonely and frightened in a rescue centre who needed a home - these two hooligans joined the family shortly after.........

Martin, know we don't see eye to eye on many things, but I'm sorry to hear that and also happy to see two new additions to the household, I hope they cause you as much trouble as you do us ;)

Queens, sorry to hear the news.
So sorry to hear of your loss - but I'm sure he was eased across to the other side with a massive lot of love and affection - it's never easy however hard you think you are.
Sorry to hear Winston has crossed the rainbow bridge. Remember the good times and know that you have set him free.
We have lost 1 of our flatcoats each year for the last 3 years, and have another one who is now 12. So our thoughts are with you.
The last one of our Papillons died a few years ago and often I find myself about to say hello to her when I come home to an empty house.
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Thanks All. Last night was really hard as Win. has been with me since my attacks started and to be alone was truly weird - but it was a gift we could give with a big heart...even though we knew pain was to follow. We knew the day was to come but having had the all clear last week to buy a Christmas present he suddenly went down and we had no honest choice.

We will eventually adopt again (as we have all our dogs), but not until we have moved and are settled.

Thank-you too for the lovely pictures and tales of loved pets. We are sooo lucky to have the love and companionship these animals offer us - we can only say at the end 'Thank-you, God bless and sleep in peace' Which we do with full hearts x x x

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