"Finman, post: 235"
Mac Delbruck does not know what he is talking about.
Well he is dead now so he won't be replying to you
Why British Isles needs unique DNA code?
I have no idea at all - maybe its something to do with the historic island mentality?
Are you sure that British Isles existed 1000 000 000 years ago?
Thats a long time - I'm just trying to keep this thread going until the DNA results get published.

Mac Delbruck does not know what he is talking about.
Well he is dead now so he won't be replying to you
Why British Isles needs unique DNA code?
I have no idea at all - maybe its something to do with the historic island mentality?
Are you sure that British Isles existed 1000 000 000 years ago?
Thats a long time - I'm just trying to keep this thread going until the DNA results get published.