I nearly caught a swarm in . Prob from my apiary The suspected remaining colony only found with 1 day old eggs in queen cups with the remaining bees.

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New Bee
May 17, 2024
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Why? Anytime I've dealt with swarming, the remaining colony was always found to have capped or soon to be capped, swarm cells or SS cells. This time, I only found cups with 1 day old eggs in both deeps.

Yesterday, I was headed out to split, add another box or put on supers, a colony, bcuz they were getting full.

Walked out to find mass of bees in process of swarming into my tree. Couldn't tell where they were coming from.

I went back thru that particular colony, lookin for queen, and found Queen cups with 1 day old eggs. No actual queen cells. Still full of bees.
And they were roaring.

Why would there only be 1 day old eggs in QC's, not drawn out Queen cells?
The only time I have had a swarm with only eggs in QCs was after I had swapped the positions of a strong hive making swarm preps and weak one that wasn't. The weak hive with the flying bees intent on swarming swarmed with the (surprised) weaker queen, leaving behind eggs in cups.
Had you done anything similar recently?
The only time I have had a swarm with only eggs in QCs was after I had swapped the positions of a strong hive making swarm preps and weak one that wasn't. The weak hive with the flying bees intent on swarming swarmed with the (surprised) weaker queen, leaving behind eggs in cups.
Had you done anything similar recently?
Hi Sutty, quite possibly bcuz awhile back, I did an inspection. All my bees, had suddenly, unexpectantly, increased. Unusual for our time of year.

I don't remember what I did back then. Yrs ago, I moved frames around in an attempt to thwart their swarming, which they didn't do. So maybe I had messed with them like b4.

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