"Survivor bees" found in Blenheim Forest

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The pill did it. If you emancipate women there is a huge knock on effect.
But even then things took some time to get moving.
Non consensual sex within a marriage wasn’t regarded as rape until a landmark case judgement in 1991! …..
No - Blenheim Palace may be in Oxfordshire (near the site of the original royal residence of Woodstock castle) but Blenheim (which the new 'palace' was built to commemorate) is on the Danube in Bavaria
Woke the thread up a bit didn't it !
Now the Weeley Festival a couple of years later 1971 was something to behold - I lived nearby.
I was there. Got there the morning after a night shift. Decided to have a nap in the sunshine, with my hat over my eyes. Next thing I know was a biker with a metal bar was standing over me. Felt a tremendous bang on my head and all this wet stuff running down. He laughed his head off. I put my hands up to feel my head and it was covered in raw egg and shell. It had turned into scrambled egg by the time I got to the water tap.
Tremendous festival. Fights between security and the bikers. Magnificent bonfire of motor bikes. Happy days .
You have no idea .... every generation thinks the youth were outrageous but us Baby Boomers were the people who started it all ... If you look really closely you can see me ... here:

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This isn't one of the "find the queen" competitions is it? 😀
I had the 18" flares with the paisley inserts but New York State was a bit beyond my student budget ... the IOW however ! Feasible ...
I hitchhiked through upper New York State to Canada a couple of days before Woodstock. No-one mentioned it to me. I then hitched west a couple of days after and everyone asked if I was coming from there.
That and La Coupole are the two things that have haunted me all my adult life.

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