Honey Regs give pretty clear guidance on what constitutes honey is and isn't and what can be called honey, they do not exempt it from the requirements of the labelling / Food Information to Customers regs. Retained Reg 1169/11 says that any food intended for supply to the final consumer or to mass caterers shall be accompanied by food information in accordance with this Regulation .
The requirements include putting weight/mass, BBE, country of origin etc. It also has the the requirement for any special storage instructions to be included. But does honey have any special storage requirements? will it degrade or become unfit if stored in non-special conditions? So there is no need to put any info about storage conditions on the label.
When thinking of the reuse glass jars, the manufacturers seem quite clear that they are manufactured for single use (see poots post). The responsibility is then on individual who decides to reuse them to ensure they are safe, no one is going to tell you you can or can not. If something goes wrong and results in a complaint to either Env Health or Trading standards (safety or quality issues from cracks or chips in the glass) they will look to see if you did due diligence and what procedures are in place. Using container outside of the manufactures guidelines would be difficult to justify. This would be the worst case scenario and the chances of the jars failing probably quite low (but you don't necessarily know how the jars have been treated when out of your control). And if you are just doing honey for friends and family they will probably not report it. But if you are selling to the public is it worth it? There is no jar police out there who will tell you not to so its up to you to decide if you want to reuse jars or not and what control measure you have in place to check they are safe.
Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011