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New Bee
Feb 5, 2025
Reaction score
Hi everyone

I'm in Somerset and I'm planning to get some bees this year - we have a 4 acre field which is slowly being planted up with orchard trees, the field itself is planted to grass (grows an amazing crop of dandelions in the spring) but we've been adding wildflower strips on the windward side so we we hope they'll slowly spread seed across the field. anyway adding some bees seemed like a good idea. I had a hive about 25 years ago (a National that was given to me complete with bees) but I didn't know what I was doing so wasn't very successful and when I moved I gave the hive and bees to the owner of the land where I kept them. This time I've signed up for a course run by the local Association so hopefully I'll see greater success this time. Due to back issues I'm looking at horizontal hives - will probably build my own but to what design (there seem to an unlimited number to chose from) I'm not yet sure.