risk assesments are realy just a list of what can go wrong and what we intend on doing about it before hand.
now some people use red, gree, amber some use 1 to 10 and some use 1 to 5 etc
so I will start it off and I am sure many others will add to it
so here goes
risk 1.
children being stung by bees general , before action probale risk 4 out of 5
place bees in a low/non traffic area of childred, enclose area with plastic mesh fence 1.8m high on simple timber posts to raise bee flight lines above head hieght, risk after action 1 out of 5
risk 2
bees stinging when near to hives.
risk before action 5 out of 5
all personal to wear PPE before entering a radius around the hives of (say 20m) and well before entering fenced area, PPE and training is also the reason why the bees are there and as such is part of the basic indution to bee keeping, risk after solution 1 out of 5
its pretty much that simple, think of a risk,
( keep it reasonable, saterlits falling to eartth and landing ontop of the bee hive is pretty rare, so is finding that the hive has been invaded by evil left handed miniture bee eating snow lepards)
then after we have identified a risk we then think how bad its out come could be, then we think , what can i do to reasonable provent it and it is only "reasonable" then write it down and then work out the risk afterwards