Summer review

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House Bee
Jan 17, 2017
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UA, Vinnytsia region
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Many times wanted to write about my affairs but it's like to write a composition at school.
So, the season is over. Usually November is a gloomy month with gray sky. But a week ago the weather was fine, I walked in a valley where I live and made photos, some are here.


20 years ago when I was a kid it was so-called Little Clay Pond, with the yellowish soil and clear water. Kids liked to swim there, the pond never dried up in summer. Now it's full in spring but then water evaporates and sometimes in autumn it's dry completely. Now willows, shrubs and cane grow around the pond.

Today it was snowing in the morning but the temperature is positive. I still have fruits in the garden, persimmon, the first crop - four apples! My grand dad whose old apple tree you can see behind could not even dream of that.
Glad to hear you are OK Podilla ... your valley looks lovely - But climate change seems to be affecting you as it does for the rest of the world. Hope you had a good season with your bees, I often think about you when I see the dreadful news of the war situation over there. Keep safe, you know you have all our good wishes behind you.
As for honey the season was not good. There was a heat wave in July. The temperature reached unbelievable 40C when sunflower flow started. Sunflower likes hight temperatures, 30-33 is good, but it was too much even for sunflower. The bees worked in the morning and in the evening, not effectively. It was like an oven outdoor. The first part of summer was wet so the soil contained some moisture and the sunflower was alive. Somehow the bees filled the hives with honey, not bad for those conditions. I exctracted it during 10 days, living in a cabin at the apiary. Sometimes wild deers visited my location, pretty animals. I never lived in the wilderness so long.
The situation here is weird. People, I mean men, stay home if they don't have a special military ID. Since december 2023 there was a lot of discussions as "they" were preparing a new mobilisation law. Too much nerve wracking, depression, speculation etc. Media exploited that issue, for example the possible punishment for draft dodgers. I think they all must pay for their stupidity which impacted mental health of the entire population. The law was voted in May, so during those months "they" were eating our nerves (I don't know whether you use this idiom in English:) ). Since then men have been staying at home. If you leave home you have high chances to be detained by the police (black uniform) or by the special military staff (green uniform). Those men having uniform, guns, high wage and social care given by the government, are hunting so-called civilian draft dodgers. It's like a weird version of Hunger Games or something like this.
For this reason I lived in a cabin sometimes because couldn't travel back and forth every day. Actually the work with the bees was minimazed as much as possible. Only God knows how many swarms left my apiary this summer. However, I managed to catch some of them and even presented 4 swarms for other people who decided the bees were something they needed very much. :LOL:
Goodness Podilla, we have no idea about what you must be going through over there. I find my bees and looking after them is a welcome relief to the stress of modern life and hopefully your bees have the same effect on you. We hear a lot about the Russians targetting your power supplies - as winter encroaches do you have heat and power ?
Goodness Podilla, we have no idea about what you must be going through over there. I find my bees and looking after them is a welcome relief to the stress of modern life and hopefully your bees have the same effect on you. We hear a lot about the Russians targetting your power supplies - as winter encroaches do you have heat and power ?
Sure, the same effect, nature itself gives that relief.
The last my visit of the apiary was in October 22. Varroa treatment and fast observation. The colonies have enough honey which they harvested in dry conditions of August and September. This harvest was provided by late buckwheat, very useful plant. Almost all colonies have one full store (half dadant frame) and some honey in the brood chamber (dadant frame) which I didn't examine. Never use this winter scheme, preferring one brood box filled with honey. In peaceful life I'd probably extracted something from the stores.

Electricity outage was very severe in May-July when one of the nuclear power plants was beyond repair. A few hours of electricity per day. Russi have broken all coal stations and hydroelectric stations which provided peak load operations. Now peak load is covered by European sources while nuclear stations operate in the basic generation. That nuclear station was repaired in August, so now electricity is avaliable for people but some restrictions have been put on businesses.
For heat we use natural gas, it's ok yet, it's more affordable than electricity.
Now Russi don't target energy - either no reason because everything is broken or maybe some unofficial agreements considering attacks on russian oil plants. They have changed tactics: swarms of drones, some of them are false targets, and several missiles. This is almost every day and night, mostly above big cities where they destroy residential buildings and kill civilians. Obviously, this terrorism Russi-Pussi use to make the pressure at our politicians. For example they killed a mother and three kids two days ago - the effect is more profound, isn't it?
Many times I watched the attacks at summer nights. Sometimes it's spectacular, when the crews of "hunters" - mobile groups - use a searchlight and machine guns against drones. Sometimes the air defence have to use very expensive foreign missiles against that cheap trash. Seems like instead of eliminating the source of the disaster they are fighting consequences because... this is politics.
Here's hoping that 2025 will be a better year.
I hope so.
Our media painted Trump in black colours because democrats gave them a lot of money. If that women had won, my intuition says, it would be another year of many good words and nothing more. After the geriatric zombie that woman (with disgusting views - in my opinion) looks like another puppet at someone's hands.

Today I made a stupid thing: opened the gate for the metal pickers. They were driving along the streets. I had a pile (not big) of the metal scrap and wanted to clean my backyard... So, one of those guys was in a green uniform. Now I relize they can be so-called "volunteers", persons who "cooperate" with the green & black "draft dodgers". It's not a joke. They can collect information about civilian men hiding behind the high fences. This reality is surreralistic and ugly like Kafka's book.

According to the law, which I mentioned, we've got 60 days "to update" our personal data in their offices. Millions of people didn't do that because it means you are not free any more. After updating you become the property of the government, you get a military ID and sooner or later "the one way ticket". During those 60 days media brainwashed the population as much as possible. Bloggers, youtubers, lawers, experts etc. all that influential public were involved persuading, describing many bad consequences for people who would ignore the law. There are high fine, and another higher fine if you don't pay the first one, and the drivig license is suspended, and the bank account is freezed, and, after all, you property is freezed.

But they can't impose all the measurese at millions of people immediately. It means the total collapse of the economy which is already struggling, and it means a social unrest. In fact the law has impacted the economy as millions of men just left their jobs and now are either working illegally or at the most cases are hiding behind high fences. Many have fled from the cities to villages, hiding in old parents' houses, away from the registration adress. So the measures are imposed individually and hunting on the roads, streets and near public spaces is going on.

The ones who were grabbed at the streets or detained somewhere else, near cafes, supermarkets etc. usually they undergo high psychological and physical pressure sometimes even violence. If a prey is broken he gets "the one way ticked". The health conditions do not matter at all if he has two hands and legs. So, our streets are empty. All homeless people, alcohol addicted etc. were swept by the patrols at first.
I can’t imagine how bad the situation really is. Ukraine is hurt, people are overwhelmed with emotions andgoing through very bad times. Living with that big sadness and division must be almost unbearable.
I’m sending you a long, long distance hug.
Thank you. I often feel sadness, it is destructive emotion in big doses. However people in the frontline are in more hard conditions.

I was too optimistic about electricity. Yesterday they launched over 100 missiles and 90 drones - one of the most powerful air attacks. 85% of missiles were shot down but some of them have caused new problems for the infrastructure and unfortunately killed a lot of civilians.
Electricity shortage, 2 hour dark, 4 hours light, not very bad.
We all realise what a terrible time you are having, Podilia. What do you think is the most realistic outcome of this war?
God knows the most realistic outcome. In my opinion the future of the nations and countries are determined. Personal human life is not determined. For example, why the Soviet Union - so strong state, much stronger than modern Russia, failed? Because it was a dead born child, the state established on false ideas, on lies. So does modern Russia.

Suddenly yesterday mr. Biden, whom I called zombie🤫, has lifted so-called restrictions of the usage of western weapons (some types of the missiles) inside Russian territory. God bless America! I'm not sure whether it's true, some media said France and the UK have followed. What a brave decision just before leaving the cabinet! It could have be done in 2022 during the patriotic phase of the war, when the Russian army was broken and demoralized, or at least in 2023. Now it looks like our army can use this (y):

But this is still a realistic, though a bit picturesque, final if western politicians will take their heads out of the ass.
Of course I can write that there are 2-3 funerals every month in this small town, and everything is so bad, and millions of people have left this country, and the future here is uncertain.
But I think they will pay for everything sooner or later. Ukraine has been existing near the barbarians for centuries. Everything will be all right.
Thank you. I often feel sadness, it is destructive emotion in big doses. However people in the frontline are in more hard conditions.

I was too optimistic about electricity. Yesterday they launched over 100 missiles and 90 drones - one of the most powerful air attacks. 85% of missiles were shot down but some of them have caused new problems for the infrastructure and unfortunately killed a lot of civilians.
Electricity shortage, 2 hour dark, 4 hours light, not very bad.

God knows the most realistic outcome. In my opinion the future of the nations and countries are determined. Personal human life is not determined. For example, why the Soviet Union - so strong state, much stronger than modern Russia, failed? Because it was a dead born child, the state established on false ideas, on lies. So does modern Russia.

Suddenly yesterday mr. Biden, whom I called zombie🤫, has lifted so-called restrictions of the usage of western weapons (some types of the missiles) inside Russian territory. God bless America! I'm not sure whether it's true, some media said France and the UK have followed. What a brave decision just before leaving the cabinet! It could have be done in 2022 during the patriotic phase of the war, when the Russian army was broken and demoralized, or at least in 2023. Now it looks like our army can use this (y):

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But this is still a realistic, though a bit picturesque, final if western politicians will take their heads out of the ass.
Of course I can write that there are 2-3 funerals every month in this small town, and everything is so bad, and millions of people have left this country, and the future here is uncertain.
But I think they will pay for everything sooner or later. Ukraine has been existing near the barbarians for centuries. Everything will be all right.
According to our national news tonight we are dithering a bit rather than following America's lead but this may be because our new Prime Minister wants to be the one to announce it ! I hope we do ...

The ability to knock out the source of some of the drones and missiles being launched against you could be a game changer - and missiles landing on Russian soil may concentrate a few minds. We understand that the losses on Russia's side are very significant and they now actually NEED the North Koreans they are now using as cannon fodder to save their own army being depleted.
Russia may be generating an internal problem see
If returning soldiers are abusing their own countryfolk with impunity and anyone in Russia seen to make anything than a positive comment about the invasion this must be causing resentment. Granted that there has been repression and fear for a very long time in Russia, but there must come a time for a reaction.
Missiles landing in Russia causing damage which the civilian population see this could add to dissatisfaction.
Let's hope that Russian aggression will be undermined from within.
On a different tack, Sutty may have a point about NATO boots, maybe in the Baltic states and Poland. An increased presence may give putin something to reflect on.
I wish you and your country all the best against the Russian aggressors. The more support we can persuade our politicians to give the better.
I'm starting to feel NATO should put boots on the ground.
And that's as someone who could possibly still get involved!