Pseudo scorpion Vs Varroa destructor

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I am happy to see, that New Zealand is again on the map. Its first trial to breed mite resistant bee collapsed badly. But now university has taken a leadership in the Project.

In many countries individual person does their own costs the breeding work. It is not only "mate queend and drones". It needs a lot international co operations and changing knowledge. Buying flying ticket and smuggling genes between countries.

You can see the gene smuggling from the spread history of varroa mite. Mite spead around the world faster than inside of individual country :). Varroa appeared very early to Argentina because they used much Caucasian bees.

Difficult to find how new is the Project, but internet date is 14.5.2013
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News from Otago
Thu, 13 Nov 2008
News: Farming

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Millions of bees on Great Mercury Island are giving a good buzz for beekeepers and New Zealand's horticultural and agricultural industries.

Mercury Island was a Place where bee breeding Project got a place to make open mating with mite resistant hives.
But mite resistant hives did not existed even if such origin was imported from Germany.


In Swedish island of Gotland Swedish brought all kind of mite resistant hive about 140 pieces.
After 10 years they have a hybrid bee population which get along with mite.
That population is strange because it has not high hygienic behaviour


In easter countries of Africa mite has spreaded over large area. Perhaps the size of Europe.

Countries have decided that they do not use chemical treaments because African bees have enough natural resistancy against varroa.
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Living area of Apis mellifera scutellata.
Natural resistancy to varroa

Same bug which produced killer bee to Americas.

dr. T (Tjeerd) Blacquiere

Beekeeping, Host Parasite Relationships, Plant Anatomy and
Morphology, Plant Physiology, Toxicology.

Natural selection for varroa resistant honeybee colonies
Published on January 28, 2014

Following the observation of colonies of honeybees surviving in the wild (North America, Tom Seeley; France, Yves LeConte) or obtained through ‘planned naturalizing’ (Gotland, Sweden, Ingemar Fries), we started a comparable experiment in 2007. In 2007 a group of offspring colonies from the Gotland population was taken and brought to the Island of Tiengemeten. A newly set up group of a ‘Dutch mixture’ of colonies was placed in 2008 in a remote area (remote on a Dutch scale), the Amsterdam Water Dunes (AWD), at the North Sea cost, close to Vogelenzang. In both groups we ceased varroa control. However, to the 2008 Dutch mixture group we added a group of control colonies, which were managed similarly, but including varroa control twice a year.
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I use to change the solid floors if they have rubbish. In summer bees keep te floor clean. There is no eko niche to speudo scorpions in my hives.
Outside the hive they have much more better life.

I wonder what idea is to rear pseudo scorpions on hive floor. When warm moist hive air meets the cold floor, condensation happens. IT is quite a mouldy mesh then, and even fly maggots can be found inside the rubbish of the floor. And I do not want mould cultivations on hive floors either. I produce human food with my hives.

Poor beekeeping I say. Results of " do nothing beekeeping".

When I think closer, quite awful methods to make up "natural beekeeping and evolution into beehives". I must take some vodka. IT is afternoon, is it?

There is a difference with beehive and with compost bin.


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