Perhaps a better system should in place for those who are generally unable to finance their first hive.
Quite a bit less than 10 euro ea actually
Sit back on their fat ass and watch "Hive Alive" on their 62" TV while the rest of us go out to work & pay tax to support the benefit system!![]()
Please keep your bigoted and irrelevant opinions off this forum.
There's no place for gross generalisations here ... but ...I know people who sit on their fat *****, watching daytime TV whilst smoking themselves to death, only able to move their 20 odd stone with the aid of a mobility scooter - who never had any intention of working whilst the benefit was coming in and probably never will. Who manage to claim enough to live, eat, smoke and buy the latest phone ...
Yes ... they are in a minority and I begrudge nobody the available benefits when they are in need for any reason but ... I've had an employee leave a job that paid him over £20k a year because with his grossly overweight wife, (classed as unfit to work) and more than a handful of children the difference between him working and what they could claim in benefits and the benefit in kind from items like mobility vehicle, free school meals and the other 'freebies' associated with benefit claimants was so small he felt that he could make up the difference by 'doing jobs for cash locally'...
The few who take advantage taint the vast majority who are in genuine need - and bring about the prejudices and generalisations that are trotted out.
I'm not trying to start a war ... but there is a grain of truth in what MartinL is saying ... only a grain I'm afraid.
Please keep your bigoted and irrelevant opinions off this forum.
Unfortunately, there are a few on here with that attitude. It gives the forum a bad name. It seems to be tolerated for some reason.MartinL is repeatedly trolling, introducing his bile into various threads. There's no place for that here.
I see a lot of names that aren't posting anymore. I wonder what puts them off?
Back to the topic...Anyone know why bees cost stupid ammounts to buy??
Appart from the farmers banking on the increase because of the publicity?
I have heard people talking about them costing £20 to £50 for a nuc but now around £200 mark and can see it only going up because thats where the money is at in beekeeping.
I presume that is part of the reason for the decline in beekeepers due to these big costs and losing a hive can add up.
Anyone want to give me a free nuk... worth a try
Unfortunately, there are a few on here with that attitude. It gives the forum a bad name. It seems to be tolerated for some reason.
Whenever I look back at old posts from years back, I see a lot of names that aren't posting anymore. I wonder what puts them off?
I know that you can get queens £ 10 / piece from Italy. I do not know how much you must buy then.
Unfortunately, there are a few on here with that attitude. It gives the forum a bad name.
.It seems to be tolerated for some reason.
Yes you can, but they are produced queens rather than bred ones, and will almost certainly be plain ligustica. You can get even cheaper from some other provenances. You would also need to be taking into the hundreds though each producer's price breaks vary, and quite possibly from the deep south of Italy where the producers are 'for some odd reason' having 'difficulties' moving their product.
On the other hand if you want bees from the best breeders you need to be paying 14 pounds or so *at source*...and that is for a big consignment too. Any importer selling them on carries the costs of working with the NBU, suffering any losses that happen, UK paperwork, posting and packing etc, and relating to the client. Adds up to at least 1.50 a queen.
Buy the £10 ones if you want, been there, got the tshirt, had the high feed bill and low production, and the increased winter losses. At todays prices the difference between a nondescript cheap queen at £10, and a decent bred one at £15 is less than a kilo of honey, and to a £30 one is around 3Kg of flower honey.
A US supplier's ad once said (in ABJ) 'Good queens don't cost, they pay.'
UK beeks amaze me at times......they will pay a fortune for their desired minor variant on standard equipment......then skimp on the most important thing of all......the quality of bees they put in the gear. Generalisation of course but its a definite tendency. Others are the opposite of course.
Back to the topic...
I think the resaon bees cost as much as they do has already been answered. A good nuc from a reputable source is worth £200. The costs associated with starting beekeeping are quite high, but people aren't making vast profits from selling bees.
I dread to think how much the fifty or so Cornish (Amm) Native dark bee queens produced this year cost me..
Yeghes da
Own queens are not free.
I use to rear queens on swarm fever hive. Then I take mating nuc bees from same hive. That hive does not bring yield.
What is the price. When I sell honey, what is production costs? Who knows!
When I rear own 20 queens, compared to bought, I keep pure money 800 € in my pocket.
And you can afford to run a Lada?