pdf warning posters

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They're great - however - a colleague recently saw my 'Beware of the bees' sign on the garden gate and warned me that to put up a sign suggests that the bees may be dangerous and could be regarded as an admission of guilt if someone on the adjacent footpath gets stung. My immediate reaction would be unprintable - but someone probably knows better? I guess we may all be covered by putting a risk assessment on paper. :puke:
Thanks to Hedgerow Pete first of all, just the signs I needed for when I am ferrying bees around.

Headnavigator, exactly the argument I had last year: damned if you do, damned if you don't.

My answer was that maybe we should put up a sign with a space for a number you can hang on a hook in the middle of the sign from 1-10 indicating today's danger level, you know "DEFCON 9" would mean stay clear.
no your friend was right.

by putting up a warning notice you are saying that you know of a risk and there faore admit that there is a risk, the old classic was the beware of the dog sign on a gate, by putting it up and someone getting biten it was your fault because you knew the dog to be dangorous but did not go as for far as to protect the public from it, a simple padlock would have prevented the risk and as such all you have to with you bee areas is to try to as far is practicable prevent access to that point a gate and a chain will do.
Hi Pete. Great signs - thank you. From a pedantic Health and Safety perspective, the blue one is ever so slightly misplaced - blue in H&S signage legalese means to take specific action (normally protective equipment). Yep, guess what the day job entails (and really, I have a very pragmatic approach)!

Anyway, I have downloaded them and will certainly use some (see, a model of pragmatism).

On the off chance that I may have whetted appetites :)

Colour: Red

  • Meaning or Purpose: Prohibition/Danger Alarm
  • Instruction and Information: Dangerous behaviour; stop; shutdown; emergency cut-out devices; evacuate
  • Intrinsic Features: Round shape; black pictogram on white background; red edging and diagonal line; red part to be at least 35% of the area of the sign
Colour: Yellow or Amber

  • Meaning or Purpose: Warning
  • Instruction and Information: Be careful; take precautions; examine
  • Intrinsic Features: Triangular shape; black pictogram on yellow background with black edging; yellow part to be at least 50% of the area of the sign
Colour: Blue

  • Meaning or Purpose: Mandatory
  • Instruction and Information: Specific behaviour or action, e.g. wear personal protective equipment
  • Intrinsic Features: Round shape; white pictogram on blue background; blue part to be at least 50% of the area of the sign
Colour: Green

  • Meaning or Purpose: Emergency escape; first aid; No danger
  • Instruction and Information: Doors; exits; escape routes equipment and facilities Return to normal
  • Intrinsic Features: Rectangular or square shape; white pictogram on green background; green part to be at least 50% of the area of the sign
Colour: Red (Fire-fighting signs)

  • Meaning or Purpose: Fire-fighting equipment
  • Instruction and Information: Identification and location
  • Intrinsic Features: Rectangular or square shape; white pictogram on red background; red part to be at least 50% of the area of the sign
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moogs ther is always one that goes to far, ha ha ha ha ha,

but of course you are perfectly correct tho

as i said new safety signs programe at work and great to play with, just print them out and laminate them then stick to your fence post, rember if you laminate do not puncture the plastic, like so many idots at work, staples and hole punches and cable ties are a big no no
Pete - glad to be of service :)

Of course, the defence in a court of law, when challenged over your decision to knowingly post a sign warning of the risk would undoubtedly be that they were inadmissible evidence, by design! :hurray:

Damn - work tomorrow, I can do more of the same :(

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