But surely there are those in this cohort who would be willing to fill these jobs given the chance? There is untapped wealth there. A decent asylum system rather than smashing gangs that aren’t even in Europe anyway?
Yes ... you would need to backdate the process. The problem is that the illegal immigrants are tutored by the people traffickers and they tell them:
1. Throw your passport away or leave it with someone you trust in France (although the majority of people traffickers insist on holding onto their 'clients' passports as a hold over them).
2. The only words of English you need are 'I wish to claim asylum' - they even provide reasons they can use.
3. Once you are settled in the asylum process we will find you work - you can work off the cost of your passage if you can't pay the full amount. (It will usually be looking after cannabis plants in a cannabis farm, making crystal meth or working in the black economy in a car wash or nail bar - for nothing apart from a scruffy bed in an overcrowded hovel and some food). They get picked up from their asylum accommodation by the criminals and they are then just classed by the Home Office as 'absconders' ... only to reappear later, claim they were the victims of trafficking and slave labour and the whole sorry process starts all over again !
The problem is that the Home Office (And the International Convention) rules on asylum require the subject's country of origin to acknowledge that the failed asylum seeker is one of their nationals - with no ID papers on them the Home office are reliant upon the country of origin to accept them as one of theirs .. without this they cannot be returned - so they stay here, unable to work as they are in the asylum process and it is not permitted.
There are many ways to use the current asylum process to just procrastinate and lets face it - if they are looking as though they are going to be returned - it's easy to disappear in the UK ! Most of these migrants are from war torn regions or areas where levels of national persecution are rife, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia etc. or where there is economic deprivation - parts of North Africa and West Africa - where there is no work. You can understand why they see the UK as the land of milk and honey by comparison to what they have.
I agree that many, many, of the 100,000 or so illegal immigrants we have in the asylum process would happily work and live here legitimately but we have a system that will not allow them to be granted asylum and leave to remain in a timely manner and a pre-disposition that we want to see them removed rather than settled here.
Until we have a working, practical, legal settlement scheme in place there will always be the people who seek to prey on them and provide illegal methods to get here. Don't smash the gangs - it will never happen - eliminate the need for illegal entry and the traffickers have no reason to exist. A legal route in needs to be accompanied by a swift and effective removal system for those who choose to abuse our hospitality in any way. Carrot and Stick ...
It's not a quick fix and it would need a whole new way of thinking by the Government and our existing population but there is a logic to it ... I doubt it will happen, we will continue to spend millions on an insurmountable problem with the misguided notion that we can 'smash the gangs' - it's almost as ridiculous as the proposition of 'send them to Rwanda'.