paint\stain\varnish whatever

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Have been in contact with the company that sell this,they say it should protect against mould,fungus,but could not guarantee it,so am trying some and will let you know later if it works or not.

Did Trev get the job?

I couldn't help noticing that Trev has made only ten posts on the forum, one with regard to Cuprinol Fence Life. The remaining nine were in this thread.

I don't suppose that he has logged on much of late?

I would love to know that you are reading the forum Trev?

I think that Admin has voiced what a lot of members have thought as they buy in our Cuprinol Clear and Linseed Oil. Does any one have any first hand experience of the Life Time Wood Treatment product?
Admin...not yet,but will after xmas,if the temp remains high.
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Why not just use ordinary outdoor gloss paint for the outside. Lots of colours to choose from then.
I think Sixfooter, that people are continually looking for a safer, comprehensive product to protect from the growth of fungus etc, not just to protect and decorate the surface.
= = =
Trev said:
When I was originally shown the 10 year old salt water dock made from pine and treated when it was installed, it look virtually new. It was in the harshest environment there is for any wood !
That was part of post #44 in this thread.

The website Valhalco.*** said:
said LifeTime Wood Treatment has been treating marinas, houses and decking for over 60 years with a recipe handed down through three generations of wood-working craftsmen.

The website Valhalco.*** said:
Q2: Many products claim to be safe to use, what makes LifeTime so different?
A: Over time and with exposure to the sun and rain, all LifeTime treated wood develops a beautiful silver to dark brown patina.
This natural patina is a weathering process with a high UV protection.
That sounded like the answer to quite a different question or an evasion to me!
Hivemaker said:
Have been in contact with the company that sell this, they say it should protect against mould, fungus, but could not guarantee it, . . .

Such confidence from the company on their website on one hand, but not quite willing to stand by their claim when asked directly? Was the belief professed by Trev the sort of faith required of a sales person? After all, if you have THE product you only need believers to sell it to the greater public. You would have thought that after 60 years, that they might have formed a fairly definitive opinion about the capabilities of their product. Or perhaps they have.

I trust Hivemaker is giving it a rigorous examination in typical conditions that might otherwise cause unprotected wood to grow mould. I'm sure that many people await the results of these deliberations with bated breath.

It promises much, but technology marches ahead and I wouldn't care to pre-judge it's emerging capabilities.

We love ya Hivemaker (don't get too excited!) and hope that it is indeed just the product that you have been looking for. We're all stood looking over your shoulders – yes, both, there are so many of us!

Meanwhile don't get rid of your favourite preparations folks. :grouphug:
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I suspect it will not work,been around for so many years,so why would they be using poisonous chemical treatments,and not this non toxic wonder treatment.
Hi Hivemaker and all,

I have successfully used the product in Atlantic Canada where it is available Nationally in all of the local Home Hardware stores and others. I was a non-believer until I researched it. It is widely used in Canada and I was surprised how many neighbours and guys I knew actually used it when I spoke about it.

I moored my boat for 24 months to the 10 year old, salt water dock I previously mentioned, which was privately owned by one of my neighbours. The dock looked virtually new with solid cleats and the bumpers still screwed securely.

Hivemaker, it will certainly control any mould, or fungus in the wood itself, but you mentioned blue stain where it is the sap that is attacked, leaving the wood stained.

Try it Hivemaker and put everyone out of their misery.
I have used this treatment on a hive I made last month - easy to apply and after a week the cedar had turned a quite attractive silvery grey. the down side is that I will have to live another 20+ years to see if it preserves the hive longer than an untreated control:svengo:
:cheers2: Mike
OK Trev, you're still here and obviously very passionate about the product; sorry about my abject scepticism. It must have been my cynical streak showing.

So Trev, Did you get the job? :toetap05:
Are you or will you be becoming a bee keeper in the near future.? Hivemaker will be happy to sell you a Lifetime Wood Treatment ready Red Cedar hive. Contrary to popular belief, I am interested in people. :)

Hivemaker and MJBee, I'll have to wait a bit to know. I suspect that 20+ years is pushing it all a bit in the memory cell department for myself.

Irony - I bought a 5ltr can of Cuprinol clear wood treatment about ten days ago and I can't remember for the life of me where I've planked the damned thing. I can see me being the proud owner of 10ltr of the stuff with a permanent reserve of 5ltr, somewhere. :grouphug:
Anyone for Sadolin

Has anyone experimented with Sadolin Superdeck finish. I rang their helpdesk on another issue this week and asked about a suitable light opaque finish for bee hives. The recommended this product in that they could find nothing in their literature to say it is harmful to insects. It produces a long lasting breathable paint finish. On reading the recommendations it seems that a wood preservative base for new wood is desirable. The superdeck can also have a sealing finish if required. I have a tester pot I am going to try on a new 18mm ply brood box to see the result. Have any of you tried Sadolin products on hives?:cheers2:
yep been using it for years and i love the stuff, i use the white on my wbc hives as its so easy to use goes on like a stain but looks like a paint, i also use a couple of the other sadolin stains for my out apairies aswell. as for insect/bee issues none what so ever

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