The extract from the Soil Association organic standards i posted earlier was just that an EXTRACT.
The part I posted was just the bit on treatments as that was the subject of the OP , but there is far more.
The whole of the standards was sent to me last week after an enquiry. They confirmed that there is no organic honey produced in the UK.
Mainly because of this I suppose
When you are siting your apiaries you must:
place the hives on areas of land certified as organic
ensure your bees have enough natural nectar, honeydew and pollen sources, and access to
make sure nectar and pollen sources, within four miles of your apiary consist essentially of: crops, and/or
ii. uncultivated areas with natural vegetation, and
iii. crops that have only been managed with low environmental impact methods (such as
those grown under methods equivalent to those described in Article 36 of EC regulation
1698/2005 and Article 22 of Council regulation 1257/1999) and which cannot significantly
affect the organic description of beekeeping, and
keep them far enough from potential sources of contamination, such as urban centres,
motorways, industrial areas, waste dumps and waste incinerators.
So a radius of 4 miles from your apiary means (pi r squared) 50 square miles of organic/uncultivated vegetation. Not possible in the UK.
I will try and post a link to the full document if I can figure out how.