Aldi Organic Honey?

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I am not certified organic and as of today I am not within the PGI "Mel de Galicia", I am a free player.
Being in any of them gives you:
A. Be within the official circuit of events and promotions, which should bring you extra income.
B. You should be able to obtain a plus in your sales price, the price range in free players of 6-10 €/Kg, while the IGP or organic ones start at 12€/Kg and 15€/Kg (prices at consumer for the usual 1Kg jar)
Looking at the qualifying conditions, much is determined by your location which as a beek you have no control over other than to relocate.
Looking at the qualifying conditions, much is determined by your location which as a beek you have no control over other than to relocate.
For ecological reasons, the location counts a lot, most of the ones I know are found in areas declared as natural spaces or protection zones. Regarding the PGI, the criteria that weigh are management and flowering (4 monoflorals and the wild card).
For ecological reasons, the location counts a lot, most of the ones I know are found in areas declared as natural spaces or protection zones. Regarding the PGI, the criteria that weigh are management and flowering (4 monoflorals and the wild card).
It is entirely logical and it should be so in this ever more contaminated world. Recognizing the value of natural unspoiled environments is beneficial to us all
The types of honey included in the PGI with or without an organic seal are:
Chestnut monofloral if at least 70% of the pollen spectrum will be from Castanea sp.
Eucalyptus monofloral if at least 70% of the pollen spectrum is Eucalyptus sp.
Monofloral bramble if at least 45% of the pollen spectrum corresponds to species of the genus rubus.
Monofloral heather if at least 45% of the pollen spectrum is from species of the genus erica.
From forest.
In no case will the pollen spectrum of Helianthun annuus, olea europaea and cistus ladanifer together exceed 5%.
The types of honey included in the PGI with or without an organic seal are:
Chestnut monofloral if at least 70% of the pollen spectrum will be from Castanea sp.
Eucalyptus monofloral if at least 70% of the pollen spectrum is Eucalyptus sp.
Monofloral bramble if at least 45% of the pollen spectrum corresponds to species of the genus rubus.
Monofloral heather if at least 45% of the pollen spectrum is from species of the genus erica.
From forest.
In no case will the pollen spectrum of Helianthun annuus, olea europaea and cistus ladanifer together exceed 5%.
From the 2024 beekeeper census.
Total beekeepers 4,663
Professional beekeepers (>150 hives) 276.
Beekeepers with the IGP 36 seal that account for only 10% of the annual honey production.