Is Trump really that dumb ?

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Perseverance gentlemen, you just may elicit the response you're looking for.

I'll give you a heads up, all you "lefties". Lord help you all when Deutschland and Putin's Holy Russia become inevitable, genuine partners.
Many of the media say the answer is in a suit.
View attachment 42157
- So, you are smart? Why don't you wear a business suit here, in out sacred Temple of Democracy? We told you...
- Well, I prefer Che Guevara-Fidel Castro style...
- Oh my God! You are gambling with the World War 3!
Ah the documentary 'Idiocracy'.
No idea why I thought it was a comedy ?
Understandable but not wise because it is not achievable without WWIII. So what happens in the power vacuum if a nuclear state such as Russia fails? Who will have control over the button? ISIS? Some other militant group?
Anyone who will be searching the recognition as a legal authority there, give up the button for that recognition. Until Russia has the nuclear teeth, it will be the threat. Sooner or late this problem will be resolved. Nuclear war is impossible but the current nuclear status quo in the world does not satisfy many countries if Russia will never pay for its crimes. This is another solution: any country can have nuclear weapon if there is a threat nearby.
The US won't pull out of Europe if Europe pays its fair share and carries its share of the burden.
Ilon Mask doesn't think so.
1939? Do you ever get out of leafy Hampshire? "Winning the war has guaranteed the complete destruction of England, its culture, way of life, and heritage. It, Britain, is rotten to the core. Vladimir Putin's Holy Russia is Building Orthodox Churches, Not - so - Great Britain is well, look it up!
It was impossible.
In a 1944 essay, Borges postulated,
Nazism suffers from unreality, like Erigena's hell. It is uninhabitable; men can only die for it, lie for it, wound and kill for it. No one, in the intimate depths of his being, can wish it to triumph. I shall risk this conjecture: Hitler wants to be defeated. Hitler is blindly collaborating with the inevitable armies that will annihilate him, as the metal vultures and the dragon (which must have known that they were monsters) collaborated, mysteriously, with Hercules.
Holy Russia, Orthodox Churches - you really don't know what is this.
The recent event with many top orthodox clergymen, including Kirill, the head of Russi Orthodox, one of the priests asks why they should support the official state policy and so-called patriotism if their task is to preach the Kingdom Of Christ. Kiril's answer: are you from the Western Ukraine?
Russi-Orthodox supports the war in Ukraine as Holy War against satanic Western world. Only a few priests were brave enough to say something against and now they are in disgrace.

Putin's regime is playng with the religion. Recently they have built near Moscow a huge Church of Military Forces, which people call the Temple of War. It's a very interesting gloomy object, with paintings depicting all Russian "victories" and the winners including putn, some of his ministers and generals. There are also some Hitler's artefacts, presented like trophy but it would not be surprise if they use it in rituals.
It was impossible.
In a 1944 essay, Borges postulated,

Holy Russia, Orthodox Churches - you really don't know what is this.
The recent event with many top orthodox clergymen, including Kirill, the head of Russi Orthodox, one of the priests asks why they should support the official state policy and so-called patriotism if their task is to preach the Kingdom Of Christ. Kiril's answer: are you from the Western Ukraine?
Russi-Orthodox supports the war in Ukraine as Holy War against satanic Western world. Only a few priests were brave enough to say something against and now they are in disgrace.

Putin's regime is playng with the religion. Recently they have built near Moscow a huge Church of Military Forces, which people call the Temple of War. It's a very interesting gloomy object, with paintings depicting all Russian "victories" and the winners including putn, some of his ministers and generals. There are also some Hitler's artefacts, presented like trophy but it would not be surprise if they use it in rituals.
"Holy Russia, Orthodox Churches - you really don't know what is this."

Patriarch Kirill's "Russi-Orthodox supports the war in Ukraine as Holy War against a Satanic Western world."

Que Sera, Sera.

Subject matter change. Has anyone a definitive explanation for" Colony Collapse" affecting North America?