Odd ball tips that realy work

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For those of you who can't squash but freeze instead.
If you can't find a queen in a colony and HAVE to ........defrost that old queen lurking in the depths of your freezer and pin her to a top bar. Put the crown board back on and have s walk round the apiary for five minutes. Quickly whip off the top and there is a good chance your invisible queen is there attacking the invader. I'm not saying it's foolproof but has worked twice for me.

Nice tip erica..I'll make a note of that one, thanks:)
Entrance Disc

I have used the tops off coffee tins as entrance discs on some of my nucs.
Just drill a 20mm hole near the rim and pop a screw through the middle. Place the flat side onto the face of the nuc. You can cut small notches in the rim to help you turn the disc.