Observation Nuc

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Queen Bee
Dec 7, 2008
Reaction score
Newick, East Sussex
Hive Type
Number of Hives
Just want to share with you all my delight at the arrival of my Standard National Nuc Hive with single frame observation Attachment.

I have no business connection with The Beehive Workshop- so can say with no bias- the workmanship is superb- and (don't tell him) I think underpriced!!!

So looking forward to getting a little colony in there and so taking to the talks that I do.

Am on cloud nine :driving:

Many many thanks, Thomas.
"Can you take a photo and post it on here Heather?"

i presume it is just a replica of the Th***nes one minus the fantasy pricetag!!!!
It looks really great. Wish I lived near enough to hear your talk
It is usually to Joe Public - who know little. I never go into great detail, I can assure you- only talk for 1 hour. Lots of humour though:biggrinjester:
Men love it when I tell them the drones live to eat and have sex... plenty smirks- but ladies have the last laugh when I tell them the workers kick all out in Oct- dumped, wings bitten off- rejected

Most difficult question- from a 6yr old- what are bees made of ??
Still, I am talking to about 150 in 3 weeks so hope to have my Nuc up and running then.:party:
I am being a total dimwit here as i have never seen an observation hive, but i take it that most of the frames go in the nuc box in the bottom, bar one frame that lives in the top???
All live in the bottom and it behaves like usual Nuc. When I want to demo I can raise the queen frame up and replace the space with a frame feed. Then I seal it up to transport it- all secure. The top part is totally separate and is locked in place to demo, and becomes one item.
Hmmm interesting. I may even have a bash at knocking something like this myself, just for entertainment value of course! :D
It looks absolutely beautiful - practical with that extra attention to detail and precision. I am very envious.
I had a preview of it on Tuesday at Toms workshop, it looked very nice

I was also interested to see that he is also working on a 14x12 version, now that would be my choice as i have only extra deep hives
Used the observation Nuc -fully working- at a 'Springwatch' day at Brighton- VERY successful- star of the show- queen most compliant and lots of children and adults viewing- many thanks again.
Safely back home with bees pleased to smell fresh air again- and yippee - finally some rain down here...