Hi paras can you tell me how much a complete flow costs with the extra boxes you require. I notice you say you operate dbl brood? I also see you harvest more than a langstroth super holds so do you add extra or extract when full, obviously with a flow on and a full super is the honey ripened. I would also add on my traditional hives a dbl brood colony produces a substantial number of bees and normally more than could be held in a single super, some times even 5 or 6 additional supers. Do you find this increases swarming. I notice you also say a beekeeper needs the basics under their belt, as flows had really been targeted at new beeks from the start is this wise? Thks Ian
Hi Ian,
My set-up is a 8 frame Langstroth box, therefore a double brood is good, however if you go for the 10 frame langstroth box, there are many suppliers in the UK you can brood box from. But if you do go for the 8 frame then we only have one supplier in the UK that has equipment for that.
Have a look at the EU website for FlowHive, when you ready to purchase let me know, I can get you a discount code.
Having double brood also allows the bees to store the honey with the lower water level, because the numbers do increase with single brood box and there are too many bees inside the box for them to effectively evaporate the excess water.
I also do vertical splits when I do swarm control.
I would recommend doing the course, you don't need to mention the type of hives you will keep the hives in. Some beekeepers use a top bar hive, some use warn hives, some use national and langstroth hive, the basic course should focus on keeping bees alive, swarm control, diseases and parts of the hives and how they are used.
I do teach beginners beekeeping, if you feel safer learning with someone who would not judge you on the type of hive you use and are willing to travel to me, you are more than welcome to come a 2 day intensive course with me, and if I have a nucleus colony you can purchase that at the end of the course.
My course is a very hands on experience, you would be opening up large colonies, by the end of the course you would know if beekeeping is for you or not.
You can purchase your FlowHive after that which means you don't waste your money if beekeeping is not for you.